Chapter 7

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"Claire! Quick, get up! We've got a run!" I snap my eyes open and the first thing I saw was Matthews worried face. "Hurry!" He whispered. I jumped up and started to help fold the blanket. "No time!" Matthew grabbed my arm and stared running. I could hear dogs barking, and footsteps near nearing. It was dark, and I was scared. The midnight moon shone bright. I turned to look behind me, and the second I did I wish I hadn't , Because there, standing 10 feet away, what's a hunting dog. I gasped, and froze. Matthew pulled me toward him in a very protective way. He glared at the wolflike dog immediately burst into a run. I went into action. My right foot went back in my face went up. Just as the dog was about to hit me, I swerved out-of-the-way. The dog skidded to a stop. He turned and looked at me. "Hey! You there!" A man's voice called. "You're coming with me!" The man grab my wrist and started pulling I ripped my hand out of its grasp into a kick to his stomach. The man ground and went to grab my head I ducked and threw a punch to his face. I jumped and kicked him with my shin and me and punched him in the chin. The man ground, well I took his dagger and raced after Matthew. We stopped after we had made it far enough. I took a deep breath, as showing ran up with Brook. "Are you two OK?" Julian asked, glancing at Brook, then at me. We both nodded. Matthew looked around. "Julian?" He questioned "where are we?" Julian looked around "I don't know" Julian answered. "I think we're..." He couldn't get the word "lost "out. I gulped instead up. I was around my life, but I've never felt so alone. I looked at Matthew, he gave me a wary smile. I turned, shaking my head. Who could smile at a time like this? I thought. Why is he being such a, a jerk!? Julian took out a journal, with sketches of plants. "This is a deciduous forest." Julian said. "There will be a lot of brush and... AHHH!" I jumped back along with Brook and Matthew, expecting to see a hunting dog standing nearby. I have snorted, half giggled, when I realize that he had been hit in the head with a balloon. Matthew laughed so hard he couldn't breathe, for several minutes. When he FINALLY stop laughing, Julian continued. "As I was saying," he glared at Matthew, "a LONG time ago, it could take months to find our way out of here." Julian continued blabbing on and on about forests, but I was tuning him out. That balloon looks so familiar. It almost look like umm... Like... Then it hit me. Emily!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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