Chapter 5

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5:00 AM my alarm went off. It took a minute or so to let my thoughts flow back into my mind. Yesterday we had, jumped off the roof, almost got until, that two cute boys, called and features, and made a plan to save the world. Wow. My mind snapped back to the present, back to my alarm. I was too lazy to look where I was putting my hand and I accidentally pulled the cord out of the wall. I grabbed my clothes and put them on. I looked at Brook and laughed. He hair was a mess and she had a bit of drool on her chin. "It's too early." She mumbled as she got herself ready. I opened the window. The cool, crisp, fall air hit my face. Let's do this. Brook and I walked in science once again. I guess we were waiting for something, but I don't know what. We finally made it to the barn. Matthew and Julian were waiting for us. I'm glad! I had no idea how to get to the cave! "We've got a long journey ahead of us." Matthew said. I knew that, but to be honest, I wasn't thrilled. The woods were quiet, too quiet. Nobody talked. Brook put her arm around me. She understands me. I don't know what I would do without her. "Hey," Matthew broke the silence, and read my mind. "Don't worry." That was a lot to ask, the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach was starting to grow. I could see our destination ahead of us, and began to feel a bit better. "Isaac and Emily are already here." Julian stated. How did he know that?! I thought to myself. Sure enough, Emily and Isaac were waiting for us inside of the cave. "Emily, did Isaac come to your side and lead you to safety like Julian did for me?" Brook grinned, grabbing Julian's hand and swinging it playfully. "Matthew did to." I grumbled, to myself. Matthew smirked at me. He heard that crud. Emily rolled her eyes at Brook. "We're just waiting on Tiffany and Landon now." Matthew sat down on the ground and patted the place next to him, signaling me to take a seat at his side. I gladly agreed. We sat. And waited...

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