Chapter 4 Plan

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^^^ Julian^^^

This is scary. I have never been so freaked out in my life! when Matthew pulled out that map, the first thought that came to my mind was, "Julian is a fake." If he was on the bad side... Well... I don't know what I would do! I Comptown a bit when Matthew explained that after they threw us into a bush, (ouch) they took the map and Slade in next to us. The men must have heard them running away. That's why they ran past the bushes. Isaac and Landon explained the whole Jewel situation, and that it was a sapphire about the size of a baseball. This sapphire was a legend started by the Romans. It was believed to grant wishes, and give powers to whoever found it. I've heard this legend before, but I never dreamed it to be real! "Girls," Matthew started. "We would like your help to find the magic Sapphire. Are you willing?" The boys looked questioningly at us. The four of us shared a look. "What time do you want to meet?" Clair smiled. Matthew grinned at her. "We will meet here at 5:30 sharp tomorrow morning." Julian announced. "5:30!" Tiffany exclaimed. "Yes, 530." I said sternly. Then we were dismissed.

Clair and I walked home in silence. We were both lost in thought. "What are we going to tell mama and daddy?" Clair asked. I thought hard. "I've got an idea." I finally said "but it means aunt Beatrice is going to be let in on the secret." "OK, let's go!" Clair and I ran the rest of the way home. Once we got to the house, Clair and stir way up the pool. Once she was on the roof, I did the same. Seas and our tan room, we began discussing the idea. "We will tell aunt Beatrice everything and ask her to tell mom and dad that we are staying with her." I explained. "But what if she doesn't want to help?" Claire had a point. "Then we run away great plan right?" "No, not a great plan. What if..." I cut Clair off. "There are no what if's!" Clair shut her mouth. We had our plan.

Hello! It's Kate again. I hope you enjoyed chapter 4!! Let us know if you have any suggestions!

- Kate :)

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