Chapter 2

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Warnings: past bullying         Word count: 2225

The chirping of birds woke me up from my incoherent dreams. I shifted up slowly, rubbing my eyes lazily as I came to my surroundings. Apparently I had fallen asleep on the old couch while waiting for my brother to come back home last night. I leaned up further and looked down as I saw my blanket fall off my shoulders. I looked closer and recognized it, my brothers jacket! I smiled happily and looked over at his door which was half ajar. He's so considerate...! I quietly got up and made a quick batch of instant coffee and started making breakfast. After breaking 4 eggs and only being able to salvage 2, I was pretty discouraged. I'd never been great at cooking, but Ken always ate what I made without complaining too much. Guess he looks out for me in more ways than I truly realized.

I finished making the eggs and seasoned them with the leftover veggies we had in the fridge that were still decently ok. Tiptoeing to his room and softly pushing the door open, I found my brother sprawled out across the bed with enough scratches and bumps on his face to call him a zebra. I sighed with worry and set the food down next to him, knowing he'd wake up as soon as he smelled breakfast like he always does. I grabbed the first aid items we had laying around and poked his cheek til he opened his eyes and groaned at me.

"good morning sleeping beauty! Good to see you back all in one piece." I teased while opening up a band aid and prepping cut cleaner. "Like I'd come home any other way." He yawned and frowned with his grumpy morning mood now in effect. "c'mon, I worry about you a lot. I appreciate what you do to stay safe, but don't go chasing trouble Ken." I reprimanded him pushing him to lean forward so I could clean up his cuts. He winced slightly at the feeling before going expressionless again, watching me steadily clean his injuries. This was our usual conversation in the mornings since he was usually out being reckless with his gang, I just took care of him afterwards. After I finished, he glanced over at his coffee and eggs and reached for them. "thanks for the food." He said before inhaling his meal.

I retreated back to my room and prepped myself for the day. the usual uniform; white shirt, black skirt, and a optional black blazer. In my case, I found the weather to be too cold and decided to put on one of Ken's old hoodies since it was warmer than the blazer. I slipped my hair into a jaw clip faux pony and pulled out a few strands in the front to frame my face a bit better. Lastly, some mascara and lip tint. I glanced over at my desk and placed my notebooks and pend back into my bag before checking my phone. 830am.

"crap! I'm gonna be late! Bye big bro!" I yelled frantically as I shuffled into my shoes and bolted out the door, pouring the remaining coffee into my tumbler as I headed out the door. I hurriedly made my way downstairs, greeting the girls downstairs on my way out. The wind was cold as I ran, icily bruising my skin and stinging my eyes. I should've woken up sooner, dang it! Late on the second day of the term! I cursed myself and booked it to class.


I shoved the door open and made my way to my seat, flopping my head on my desk in exhaustion and relief. I made it on time, 2 minutes early even! "hey ___, you good?" Nari asked, poking my forehead lazily. "I ran all the way here and I thought I was gonna be late! Gah I'm so tired~!" I whined, showing her my pout. "jeez ___, don't you live far from here? You must be exhausted. Here, have some water!" offered one of my classmates, handing me her spare water bottle. "yeah seriously, did you even eat? You're stick thin!" piped up someone else, tossing me a packet of pop tarts. I blushed with embarrassment and they laughed. It feels good to have friends here, middle school wasn't this nice...


"hey ___, I really like you! I think you're pretty! Let's date!" Shino confessed, the purest and anxious blush across his cheeks as he bowed to me. I was startled and frantically fumbled for a re4psonsze. "ah, t-thank you Shino! I'm happy you like me, but I cant really accept your feelings. I'm sorry!" the kids around us stared in curiosity and astonishment. Shino, basically one of the most popular kids in my elementary school had just6 asked me out and I, a nobody, had denied him.

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