Chapter 49

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Warnings: Language          Word Count: 7525

Note: Plz read this at night to make it more realistic for your feels <3. I screamed while writing this and its not even smutty :)))))) This chapter will have you in your feels if nothing else. This chapter features: Reader having a cute moment reflecting, a fluffy flashback of Draken, some cute Mikey content, piggyback rides, stargazing, Mikey content <3,  a beautiful wish, the aristocats :D?, Mikey content <3, some oooooof Emma and Mikey content.

PSA: the next chapter will be fun and full of ~ content ~, but prepare for it to come at a cost oop-


I walked out of the bathroom, my feet tapping against the hardwood floors quietly as I walked through the hallway and back to my room. With a soft click, i entered my room and locked my door behind me, changing into the pjs I could find to use. They ended up as a loose t-shirt, some shorts and one of the new sets of floral lingerie I had gotten. I admired myself in the mirror I had in this room and struck a few poses, very much enjoying the pattern I chose and the way it fit my figure. I'd definitely be taking care of these as if my life depended on it.

I giggled a bit at the dumb poses I was making, and I walked over to the bed, flopping onto it with a soft squeal. I smiled and stared at the ceiling, small butterflies lingering as I thought of Mikey and our time together today. I felt the small feeling of blissful peace slowly rise and fill me entirely, my eyes softening as I thought of the way his hair fell so perfectly around his shoulders, the softness of his voice, the way he quietly and genuinely took care of me in every way. They way he comforted me without speaking, the gentle acts of kindness, the flirty teasing, and the way he stared at me with his unreadable eyes, an indescribable look within them radiating warmth, caution, and the purest adoration.


I felt my cheeks flush at the thought, and I shook the idea away. There's no way that could be true. He was just flirty and lacked boundaries. We hardly knew each other so there was no way he could genuinely love me, not this soon at least...

I got up from my bed and walked over to the seated window, the moon shining brightly above in the night sky, surrounded so perfectly by the beautifully twinkling stars. I sat on the small window seat and felt the slight coolness of the glass against my forearm, letting me know it was a nice night outside. I gazed up at the sky outside, seeing a few of the gentle stars glistening in the pitch-black surroundings. The bright lights that shined from streetlights and nearby other houses blocked a majority of the stars from shining effectively from view and I sighed lightly, wanting to see more of my favorite childhood constellations.

My mind wandered to my memories, reminding me of the many times I had been stargazing for fun with my big brother.


------- Flashback -------

The sky shined brightly above us, the distant sounds of the evening life filling the cool autumn breeze as my brother, and I sat lazily together under the trees of the vacated park where went had gone to watch the fireworks in previous years. The evening breeze was light as it whistled through the trees and loose leaves above our small figures that laid on the crisp evening grass. Small crisp leaves floated down over us, billowing lightly in the air as they passed. My brother reached out for one, catching it effortlessly midair. I smiled in awe and praised him, my eyes wide with excitement as he quietly showed it off, silently relishing in my excitement as it added fuel to his ego.

"whaaa!!! My big bro is the coolest ever! Its such a pretty leaf too! Awesome!" I cheered, my small arms outstretched above my head happily, a dumb grin spread across my face as it shone a bit from the distant city lights on the water's reflection.

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