My Rambling Boyfriend [Kuroo Tetsuro]

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Pairings: Kuroo Tetsuro x Male! Rambling! Reader

A/n: This was requested on tumblr


If you were to ask Kuroo one thing about his boyfriend, (M/n) (L/n), that he found cute he would have a rather difficult time choosing one because everything his boyfriend did he found it to be the most adorable thing he has ever seen in his whole entire life but if he were to choose one it would be when (M/n) starts to ramble without noticing about anything that came to mind. Kuroo thinks it's absolutely adorable when you talk about something so passionately or when you would talk about random things like what was happening right now. Him and (M/n) sitting on a bench outside of school during recess and him listening to you ramble about cats that you found on the way back from school the day before.

"And when I looked inside the box they were these cute little baby kittens that looked like you and the others and I almost suffocated them because of how hard I was hugging them and I started playing with them for about an hour or so but then the sky started getting cloudy so I knew I had to leave before it started raining but I felt guilty about leaving the cats in the rain so I decided to take them home with me an-" (M/n) stopped his rambling when he noticed that Kuroo was looking at him with his head rested on the palm of his right hand, looking at him with an amused smirk on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh nothing..." Kuroo said the amused smirk never leaving his face.


"Ok, ok you got me... I was just thinking..." Kuroo trailed off and looked at the anticipation on (M/n) 's face before chuckling and continuing what he was saying.

"You ramble and it's adorable"

And with that (M/n)' s face turned red like a strawberry and buried his face into the palm of his hands.

"I'm sorry! I just always ramble unconsciously especially if I'm talking about animals and I'm trying to find away to sto-"

Before (M/n) could finish his sentence Kuroo pried (M/n)'s hands away from his face and kissed him. (M/n) didn't pull away and just kissed him back. After a few minutes, they pulled away amd just stared at each other before Luroo spoke up.

"There's nothing to be sorry about... You know why? Because I always love it when you ramble. I love listening to you're voice and how you talk so passionately about the things you love so there's nothing to apologies about, okay?" Kuroo said with a loving smile on his face.

(M/n) nodded his head before burying his face into the crook of Kuroo's neck. Kuroo chuckle and wrapped his arms around (M/n) and placing him on his lap with his arms wrapped around (M/n)'s waist. He kissed (M/n)'s neck lightly.

"I love you"

"... I love you too you big softie"

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