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As Wilhelm rested his head against the cold car window the car pulled away from Hillerska. He could see Simon and Sara walking inside, disappearing from his view. Just moments before he had told Simon that he loves him. With no response. Wilhelm didn't think it was because the love was unanswered, but because of what Simon had told him outside his house that one day. He has got to do this alone, this whole 'finding himself thingy'. Until he does that he cannot be with Simon, until he does that he doesn't deserve Simon.

He tried to forget about it all together and ignore the presence of his mother sitting next to him as if to give some sort of comfort. He is not comforted. Especially not knowing that he'll have to avoid Simon and what they had.

His room is clean, too clean. It doesn't carry Simon's scent. It's also too big. Weird how only months ago he could have given anything to stay here and live a 'normal' life, only to now wishing he could leave and never come back. He was wondering what Simon was doing. He hadn't been posting on social media. Wilhelm knew because he had been checking it every other minute. What if this was it. What if Simon was the only one for him, and he had screwed up because of pride and traditions. Wilhelm didn't realize how tired he was until he fell asleep in his large bed(which was probably the size of his entire room at Hillerska).

Simon couldn't bare the sight of Wilhelm's car leaving. He just pulled Sara along inside to wait for the bus instead of sitting by the bus stop. It's winter for God's sake.

"How do you feel?" She asked with a concerned look
"Fine" Simon answered her not feeling like talking at the moment
"You did the right thing and I'm proud of you" Sara said right before Simon hugged her tight. No more words needed.

He just wanted to try to have fun, not worrying about Wilhelm. After all he's the one to make a move. Simon just had to wait and try to enjoy his Christmas break with Ayub and Rosh. They had really been good friends to him after the whole sex tape incident. Although Simon was unsure about his situation with Sara. She was nice to him after Wilhelm left but was she still mad about their dad?

They got on the bus and walked from their stop to their house, in silence. He walked up to his room and remembered he had to feed his fish. When he walked up to the aquarium he fell to the ground crying. It reminded him so much of Wilhelm. Fuck. Why was he still so hooked on him?

The holidays are all the same for the royal family. This one was different though. Erik wasn't there. Wilhelm had been feeling regret for not grieving the 'right' way. He was sad, really, but still felt happy about Simon, before it happened of course. He wished Erik could just tell him what to do. He was the best at this stuff. When Wilhelm came to think about it, Erik was probably best at all things.

Still, with the former crown prince passed , they had royal protocol to follow, which meant dinners with countless important, uninteresting people who were all invested in the future of Wilhelm and wanted their daughters to marry him. He couldn't care less and longed to reunite with his friends at Hillerska. Felice had texted him to check up during the break a few times but Wilhelm had only answered in short messages. He was tired. His anxiety had been getting worse. His techniques to make it go away didn't always help anymore. He was bottled up with sadness knowing all he could do was to listen to his mom, dad, and the royal advisers.

Simon had a relaxed break. He spent it with his friends trying to make him laugh, and his family reassuring him of his independence. It was calm until one night when Sara sat their mom and Simon down in the kitchen. She seemed serious and Simon was oblivious to what she could want to tell them.

"The school fixed so that we can be residents at Hillerska" she said in a very relaxed tone

"What do you mean fixed?" Simon said back shocked and frustrated

"Well... August did" she said in the same but more resistant tone

"What the hell Sara! First off-do you know what he did to me? And second of all-we're not charity cases for him to sponsor. Where's your dignity?" Simon was furious

"No I know, but I just thought that it would be good, for school you know. We wouldn't have to be the outsiders anymore" Sara said more apologetically this time

"What's wrong with being who we are? I'm proud to be me. Aren't you? Well don't answer. We already know the answer. This isn't good enough for you. Mom's hard work will never be enough just because it doesn't line up with your rich friends" Simon shouts at Sara

"Who's running around with the literal crown prince thinking he will ever be able to be with you" Sara hit back. Simon was quiet. Tears began forming. Sara left the kitchen and went to her room.

"He already payed so there's no turning it down" she shouted before slamming her door.

Linda had been quiet the whole conversation, well argument. She took a breath as if she was about to say something but backed down. A few seconds went by and she began speaking.

"As much as I love the both of you, this is an opportunity you'll never get from me. I understand that you are grateful for me and so is your sister, but there is nothing wrong with wanting more. Not many get it but it seems as if you both have been very lucky. " She stoped and took Simon's hands in hers which forced his eyes to lock with his mother's.

"I will miss you so much, but I'll see you on visiting weekends and on the phone whenever you want to talk" she continued and hugged her son tight.

"Tu sabes que te amo tanto, sí?" She said and he just nodded into her neck.

It was the day. The day when Simon was moving to Skogsbacken. He would live seconds away from him. How would he manage to live like that? The thought of being so alone made him terrified but he had nothing to do that could prevent this from happening. It was inevitable.

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