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A chapter!!!!!!

I thought that in the spirit of celebration of the new season dropping next year, I would release a new chapter. I hope you're all good and that you like it.


Wilhelm could see how hard Simon was trying. Trying to fit in, do right, impress. He wished he could show him that he didn't have to do any of that to be enough, for he already was. Enough. More than it actually. With Simon in his life his anxiety had gone down, or at least gotten less frequent and not as bad as before.

"Hello Wilhelm" the princess of Denmark said and politely reached his hand out.

"Hello Alexandra, how are you?" Wilhelm said and he too reached out and shook her hand.

"I am well thank you. And Simon was it?" She  said and turned towards the dark haired boy.

"Yes your highness, a pleasure" Simon said in his most proper voice and mimicked how the princess had shook hands with Wilhelm.

"Is the whole family here today?" Wilhelm asked.

"Yes. I could have sworn Nikolai was just here but I must have lost him" Alexandra said.

"Well I'm sure we will have time to chat later tonight. It was nice seeing you again" Wilhelm said and ended the conversation.

"How did I do?" Simon said. He didn't get an answer, just a hand stroking his.

"Who is Nikolai?"

"He's the prince of Denmark" Wilhelm said.

"The hot one?" Simon asked.

"I guess" Wilhelm said in a light laughter.

"Don't tell me you didn't have a crush on him" Simon said confrontationally.

"I mean..."

"I knew it" Simon said.

After a while of networking and greetings they sat down at the table. Simon sat next to Wilhelm on the right side of the queen. Simon was just about remove his napkin and put it in his lap when he saw a familiar figure sit down two people away from him. August.

Wilhelm and Simon looked at each other as to agree on ignoring the older, life wrecking, boy sitting at their table.

The food was incredible, not better than Simon's mom's but still. Simon kept quiet pretty much the whole time. He answered questions and was polite but he didn't take much initiative. The event had been a bit much for him. Usually for Valborg he and his friends would just get together. There were usually parties to go to. This whole spectacle was a bit draining for Simon and he was more of a listener anyway.

"Louise, how have you been?" Someone asked making August nauseous.

"I've been well, thanks. Grateful for my family and all our blessings" she answered.

"Will you excuse me?" August said lifting his napkin and raising from his chair.

Simon and Wilhelm exchanged a concerned look but tried to make it not obvious.

When dinner was over they were free(obligated) to mingle a bit more.

"Let's get away from here" Wilhelm whispered in Simon's ear as they stood bored in the large dining hall.

"What about dessert?" Simon said disappointed.

"I'll give you dessert" Wilhelm said with a smirk.

"Stop it with the smut, but you're cute so I'll let that one slide" Simon said disgusted with Wilhelm's comment.

They walked out, fast, but not in a hurry. The room was crowded, making them have to push through the crowd, trying not to be stopped by someone wanting to talk to the crown prince. As they were about go up the majestic stairs they heard a quiet weeping from the bathrooms.

"Are you alright?"

Simon and Wilhelm had found August on the floor of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You sure? Do you want us to get someone?" Wilhelm asked surprised by his own kindness.

"Yes! I said I was fine. You can leave" august cut back at the two boys standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Okay...hope you feel better soon?" Wilhelm said, well he more asked it. August's comment had thrown him off.

When they had left they stood in the corridor looking at the bathroom door.

"I've never seen him cry, and I've known him my whole life" Wilhelm said.

"Well I don't think we should have to cheer him up" Simon, who until now had been quiet, said.

"We can't leave him there" Williams said but was interrupted by one of the servants.

"Dessert is being served in the dining hall"

"Yes, thank you" Wilhelm said politely.

"You go. I'll stay here" Simon said.

Wilhelm was surprised by Simon's act. He was sure Simon would avoid talking to August at all costs.

"So what's up" Simon said as he sat down opposite sides of the bathroom to August who had a surprised look on his face.

August kept quiet.

"Well I'm kind of overwhelmed by the party so I had to take a time out. Hope that's okay with you?" Simon said, hoping for a reaction from August.


"I was nervous about tonight. I'm not really royal or anything close to it" Simon continued.

He knew August had been humiliating him for coming from a "lower standing" family ever since he started at Hillerska, so if Simon took control of the narrative, and pride in himself, August would have nothing to trash talk.

"To be honest, I'm glad I'm not a royal. I'm glad I got to grow up with my mom and sister without having to put up a facade, or act adult when I wasn't."

"So I guess you're close with your mom" August finally said.

"Well yeah. She's probably my favorite person" Simon said.

"Not Wilhelm?" August asked

"No. My mom will always be number one. But he's up there in the top" Simon answered.

"Are you close with your mom?" Simon asked.

"I guess" August said as he changed the position he was sitting in.

"I mean since my dad... well we've been closer recently" August said short.

Silence once again.

"May I ask why-" Simon began but was cut short.

"I'm sorry" August bursted out.

"For everything. I know it doesn't make it right or anything, I just wanted you to know that" August continued actually looking at Simon and not at the surprisingly clean bathroom floor.

Simon couldn't say "okay" or "it's fine" because it wasn't. The things August had done were just too fucked up to forgive so soon, but he could smile. So he smiled. August smiled back.

"Wilhelm is probably wondering about me so I should probably..." Simon said

"Yeah we should head back" August said

They walked back to their seats.

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