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That should have been it. The story should have ended there with Simon and Wilhelm outside the school, reunited but no. Hillerska was about to become a shit show full of drama. A storm destroying everything in its way.

Felice was laying in Sara's bed. It had become a habit to sneak out at night and sleep there instead. She felt kind of sorry for Madison for leaving her alone but was assured time after time that it was fine and that Madison actually liked the space. Sara was sleeping next to her. The sun was shining from the window on her face and Felice couldn't resist watching her.

"Would you quit it weirdo, I'm trying to sleep" Sara said without opening her eyes.

"Sorry. I like watching you" Felice said back resting on her side turned towards Sara.

"Still sounding creepy to me" Sara said, still eyes closed but with a smile on her lips. Felice kissed them.

"I need to go before the others wake up" Felice said beginning to get out of bed.

"No don't leave yet" Sara said pulling Felice back down next to her.

Their relationship was great. Well it was as great as any other secret relationship. It had been going on for weeks and neither of them wanted it to stop. It had made Felice insecure in her sexuality. She had never felt attraction in the way she felt about Sara. Boys had always been more of an obligation than passion. Whatever it was, she was happy.

Sara went back to sleep and Felice took her chance to sneak out. She had to tip toe out in the hallway to 1. avoid waking people up. The girls hated that. And 2. Not reveal that she had been sleeping in Sara's room. It made her sad thinking about Sara waking up alone but it's what she had to do.

Wilhelm woke up that morning by falling on to the cold wooden floor. Simon took up so much space Wilhelm was seriously thinking about investing in a king sized bed so he would get enough space to merely exist. This thought was dismissed quickly when proportions came into the matter. That bed would take up his whole room. Besides, if they got that bed Simon and Wilhelm wouldn't have to sleep so close to each other which Wilhelm liked. Some mornings would be better. He would wake up to one of Simon's curls tickling him or their skin brushing against on another's.

Since Simon slept most nights in Wilhelm's slightly bigger dorm, his room was used for "storage". They moved most of Wilhelm's things in there. It was a real mess.

Simon woke up by the sound of Wilhelm hitting the ground. He couldn't help but laugh at him while he laid on the floor. He peaked his head over the edge to look at Wilhelm and Wilhelm took his chance. He grabbed Simon's shoulders and pulled him down on the floor, tackled him beneath himself, and put Simon's hands above his head. The laughter quickly died out and Wilhelm bent down to kiss him.

"What's going on in there? I sure hope you're not fucking" Walter shouted from next door. They both started laughing again.

"No it's fine Walter. We're not" Wilhelm shouted back trying to keep it together while laughing. He had let go of Simon's hands who was now out for revenge. He began ticking Wilhelm who btw was extremely ticklish. Wilhelm had trouble containing himself, dying from laughter.

"Stop it or I'll pin you down again" Wilhelm tried to get out between his giggles.

A bonk came from the other neighbor. It belonged to a third year. Simon stopped and Wilhelm let out some chuckles before kissing Simon on the forehead and standing up.

"I'll take the bed. You can stay on the floor" Wilhelm said proudly.

""Okay you don't want me up there? That's fine. I'll just stay down here and get back problems" Simon said back petty. Wilhelm reached his hand out to help Simon get up and lay down next to him.

Wilhelm's phone started ringing and it was his mom calling so he stood up and walked out in the hallway.

"Hi mom" he said as he closed the door to his room.

"Hi honey I didn't wake you up did I? She asked.

"No I've been up for a while" Wilhelm answered thinking about the literal wrestling match he and Simon had just minutes prior. It made him smile.

"It's getting closer to the spring ball here at the castle" his mom said happily.

"Oh yeah that spectacular thing" he said ironic with his smile gone.

"Don't be so negative. It'll be a great time for you to connect and socialize with other young royals(;)) and people like yourself" she said. If this was supposed to make it more attractive to Wilhelm she had failed. If she would have known her own son she would have known better than to use "socialize with young royals" as bait. It was the last thing he wanted to do.

"And bring some friends if you want. It'll be nice. I swear" she said which made Wilhelm more satisfied.

"Can I bring Simon?" He asked. Dead silent. The line was dead silent.

"We have come to the conclusion that it might be better to not" she said after a while.

"Is it because he's not royal or not rich enough?" He asked in an upset tone.

"It would be to much unnecessary drama" his mom said strictly.

"No it wouldn't. We're a couple now so everyone better get used to it. They already know it." Wilhelm argued.

"There are things you don't know" she said in a low voice.

"What things?" Wilhelm asked nervous.

"It doesn't matter what things" she said back.

"Tell me now or I won't come at all" Wilhelm said angry. It got quiet again. He could hear his mother take the courage to say her next sentence.

"It was Simon's dad who leaked the picture" she said and Wilhelm almost dropped his phone.

As previously stated, the storm was coming. It would bring devastation, rivalries, and hurting. This was just the calm before it.

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