(singing) La la la! This is the best van song the world has ever heard! La la la! Ooh! Ooh!
LEAFYANDRUBYWhy won't they stop singing?!
LOLLIPOP(singing) La la la! La la la, so fun-
RUBY*The radio turns on*
Oh my sugar, the radio! It's back on! So you guys don't have to sing anymore! We can listen to actual music!
LOLLIPOP*sigh* I guess.
RUBYRuby turns on some music. The van suddenly stops.
You must stop driving over X's garden!
YEAH!You've already trampled his aloe vera plants 73 times!
FOURANGRYThat was mean!
XANGRYSeventy-three times?! We've driven over this same spot 73 TIMES?!
LOLLIPOPYeah, we got home hours ago. I just drove in circles so we could have more sing-along time with Leafy. Wasn't it so much fun? So much bonding! And I saw in the back mirror that you, Lollipop, were having a great time, too. I mean, you were wiggling your body to the beat, and we were singing so loud that the bus-
RUBYLollipop puts her hand on her head as she violently shudders.
Four and I have brought you here today for a public service announcement!
YEAH!You need to respect my aloe vera more, and that means-
XOkay we'll respect it more. But don't we have to do Cake at Stake?
FIREYOh! Um...
XHe's right, you know! The show must go on!
FOURANGRYOh, alright.
XCake at Stake theme.
Alright, Have Nots! You lost last time, so whichever of you got the fewest votes will leave BFB! If you’re safe, come pick up your prize from this table.
FOURBut the aloe vera! It's in the way!
SPONGYHold on Spongy, where'd your friendship bracelet go? The one I gave you?
TACODramatic cue.
Anyway, first contestant safe is Firey!
XIt's down to Blocky and Spongy! The two original returners.
FOURI support you, Blocky!
FLOWERI would support you, Spongy, but... I don't see you wearing any friendship pride.
TACOWhich contestant is safe? The last prize goes to...
Good ol' Blocky!
XOh yeah, this guy is a baller!
BLOCKYAw, Spongy! I'm sad to see you go. I'll make sure your spaceship is taken good care of.
Battle For BFB (Season 4)
AdventureBattle for BFB and Battle for BFDI (BFB) are two segments that make up the fourth season of the Battle for Dream Island series and the successor to the third season IDFB. ... The prize used to be a BFDI, but in "The Escape from Four", Four upgraded...