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Immortals, gods, spirits.

Words that I imagine would be nothing more than myths to you.

I bet, if I were to tell you that they are as real as you are, you wouldn't believe me. Perhaps, you'd want proof, after all, you always do. But if you're one of those sceptical people, please feel free to read on, convincing yourself this is just fiction. And yet, I'm sure a discussion with the mortal witness to this story would cause some unease for the many of you out there.

After all, surely three young gods crashing through a human's roof is impossible in anything other than the realms of imagination?

Still, it's time to continue. To see how this story unfolds and how the immortals of the myths, are just as real as you and me.

Now, in order to tell you this story I'll have to go back- far back - to the to the year 1879. And up in Olympus, a Realm far from our own, in a white stone Temple situated right in the great city's centre, a baby girl has just been born.

This child is the daughter of Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love and Vulcan, The God of Fire and Volcanoes. She is the newest goddess.

This child is called Dawn, and she is The Goddess of Light.


Goddess Profile 1

Name: Dawn

Occupation: Goddess of Light and Negotiation

Threat Level: 2/10

Parents: Aphrodite (Goddess of Love and Beauty) and Vulcan (God of Fire and Volcanoes)

Mythological Status: Greek/Roman

Abilities: Photokinisis (the ability to control light) and the ability to create and manipulate forcefields

Born: June 1st, 1879

Appearance: Dark black hair with a braided deep pink streak normally tied up in an elaborate plait to keep it out of her face, dark brown eyes, dark umber skin and a scar over her right eye.


However, Dawn was not the only child born that day. For while the jovial Immortals of Olympus celebrated in the light and joy of their bright Realm, a new child was born, deep in the darkest depths of the Realm of the Underworld.

A child called Pandora, The Goddess of Darkness.

You see, this baby was the daughter of Hades, The Greek God of Death and Ruler of the Underworld and Hel, The Norse Goddess of Death and former ruler of her own underworld. For the young Pandora, this certainly didn't bode well for her future.


Goddess Profile 2

Name: Pandora

Occupation: Goddess of Darkness

Threat Level: 9/10

Parents: Hades (God of Death) and Hel (Goddess of Death)

Mythological Status: Greek/Norse

Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Super Strength and Dark Magic

Born: June 1st, 1879

Appearance: Pale white skin, dark green eyes and shoulder length curly black hair.


Now, destiny in the Godlands, as Pandora and Dawn would soon learn, was not something you chose for yourself. Rather, something that was forced upon you... whether you wanted it or not. And so, from the moment these two gods were born, they were destined to hate each other... but surely, destiny can't always be right, can it?

Regardless, one thing was for sure- these two gods really could not be more different. After all, by the time they were barely a few decades old, Pandora was already learning how to use a sword and fight, while Dawn lived a relatively lavish lifestyle in a glorious Olympian palace.

Pandora, on the other hand, was living in the fiery depths of the Underworld, surrounded by death and suffering.

But, before we jump back to the present, we have one more child left to meet.

It's a few months after Pandora and Dawn's birth, in a bitter February of the year 1880 and Loki, The infamous God of Mischief and Eris, The tricksy Goddess of Discord and Strife, have just become parents to the youngest child in our story.

Her name is Ace- The Goddess of Chaos.


Goddess Profile 3

Name: Ace

Occupation: Goddess of Chaos and Thievery

Threat Level: 8/10

Parents: Loki (God of Mischief) and Eris (Goddess of Strife and Discord)

Mythological Status: Greek/Norse

Abilities: Illusions, Chaotic Magic, Teleportation, Force-field generation and Shapeshifting

Born: February 13th, 1880

Appearance: A short black quiff of hair, midnight blue eyes (these turn yellow when she's using her powers) and pale freckly skin


So, now that we have met the people in the story, I think it's time to tell it.

Our tale truly begins when the Prophet Goddess- a divine being who predicts the events in the Immortals' futures - created a Prophecy, around the time of the birth of Dawn and Pandora, which read:

When the balance between the dark and the light shifts, the Chosen One must fight the true darkness with the help of the light.

A Prophecy that many took at face value. This choice led down a slippery slope that would end in what signalled a divide between far more than just Dawn and Pandora.

But then, if Dawn and Pandora are so important to this, where does Ace come in?

Well, dear reader, stick with me, and you will see- there is a chance that the gods may have misread this Prophecy.

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