Chapter One: The Craziest Day of My Life

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For me at least, this particular day was just a typical, rather dull day.

A day devoid of any extraordinary events whatsoever... until, that is, something large came crashing through the roof of my small cottage with a 'Bang!', the colourful sparks spending rubble through the roof and onto the floor in a crescendo of noise.

Trembling with shock, I got up then slowly and cautiously leaned forward to investigate the deep hole in the ground, newly made from the impact of the crashing object which I had thought could be several things. However when I dared to look down, I saw that it was in fact, far from what I was expecting.

There, lying in the newly made hole in the centre of the room, were what seemed like three people, all of whom, extraordinarily, didn't seem to have a single scratch on them.

The first person I saw looked back up at me with her deep blue eyes and shouted to the other two, bearing an incredulous expression on her face,

"Are you kidding me?! We landed in some poor mortal's house! Now we'll end up dragging them into this! You must have thrown me off O Mighty Pandora."

As the Goddess finished, her voice dripped a crystal clear sarcasm, one of the other Gods looked up at me in shock, swished her large plait, and asked in a soft, polite voice, "So sorry to bother you but could you possibly tell us where we are?"

Startled, as I opened my mouth, I could do little more than stand there like an awed 5-year-old staring at these three Deities in the centre of my floor.

It was at this point that the other Goddess (who had, until now, been struggling against heavy metal chains) jumped - without warning - athletically out of the hole, grabbing me by my hair and pulling me backwards forcefully.

I yelled and tried to struggle but The Goddess of Darkness kept an iron grip on my arm as she raised a hand a stone's throw away from my face, a flickering flame appearing just above her palm snuffing out any attempt at resistance immediately on my part.

Cautiously, the other two Goddesses made their way out of the hole, the short-haired Goddess teleporting towards us in a shower of yellow sparks as the polite Goddess climbed out of the hole behind her, the two slowly making their way towards me and the Goddess holding me hostage.

Then, for a tense moment, everything was silent and the three stood watching each other, waiting for something to happen.

"Pandora, listen to me!!! We don't need to fight plea-" Dawn began, her plea cut across mid broadcast as Ace spoke up, giving Pandora a heavy look I couldn't understand.

"Come on Pandora, put her down and come with us. If you want a fight let's not do it here!" Ace exclaimed.

Her words caused The Goddess of Light to look slightly peeved at being cut off but, underneath her annoyance, she too looked pleadingly at Pandora who eventually grunted begrudgingly and spoke curtly.

"Alright, I'll leave."

And with that, Pandora shoved me down onto the floor then turned towards Ace and suddenly punched The Goddess of Chaos full in the face, sweeping Dawn's legs out from under her as she did!

I stumbled backwards still on the floor as I watched the fight unfold.

Ace dodged a punch from Pandora and stuck her tongue out at the Goddess before hitting her in the chest with a bright yellow burst of Chaotic Energy.

"The two of you need to stop!!!" shouted Dawn as she watched the Goddesses battling from the side-lines.

But they ignored her, and only started really  fighting after Ace said, grinning as she did, "Come on- surely you can do better than that? I bet your parents would be disappointed!"

At this, Pandora seethed with rage and threw a ball of fire right at Ace's laughing face.

But The Goddess of Chaos was quick, too quick for her, teleporting away just in time before appearing behind Pandora and grabbing her arms, pulling her back as she struggled fiercely.

"Let me finish, I never said that's bad I mean you've got murderous maniacs for parents so-" Ace said hastily before The Goddess of Darkness broke free, catching Ace off her guard with a shove of such a great strength that The Goddess of Chaos fell right through my wall landing with a splintering CRASH! on my bed.

"What the heck!" yelled Ace, jumping back up with a groan, her eyes now flashing a dangerous yellow.

Then, just as Ace and Pandora looked ready to kill each other Dawn finally stepped in between the two as she shouted to be heard, her expression deathly serious,

"Stop! Both of you shut up and stop!!! We have to go now!!! We need to find a place where we can make as much mess as we need to so we can sort this out."

After a second of silence lapsed into a reluctant pause, the two Goddesses nodded, though Pandora's nod was a fair bit more reluctant than Ace's accepting one. 

Following this, the three Goddesses took each other's hands, Ace closing her eyes before Pandora's head whipped back around to me, her vice-like grip landing around my arm just as a burst of yellow sparks surrounded us all, sweeping us up away from the house like a storm as we disappeared in a shower of sparks, Pandora's arm pulling away any sense of relief I may have momentarily felt.

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