Prologue: Meet The Gods (The Birth of a Legend)

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Kronos' Tomb was one of many artifacts that had originated in the Godlands but had ended up (one way or another) in museums on Earth.

This Tomb looked as though it was the Tomb of an Ancient Egyptian, but, as with many things in the Immortal world, there was more to see than what met the untrained eye.

Really, Kronos had disguised his Tomb so he could keep his sword safe underneath the mummy he'd placed on top. What with Kronos being a Titan, he would be far too big to fit in the Tomb after all, and then there was of course the small matter of him not being dead, instead just banished to the Realm of the Titans after losing the Titanomachy (an Ancient War started by his son, Zeus).

So, in the beginning of 2015, Zeus was offering a reward for the person who could go to the museum in New York and retrieve his father's Tomb and bring it back to him first.

As a reward, the winner would be allowed to ask the other Immortals competing for anything they wanted.

This knowledge sparked a light in Ace's eyes as she listened outside the door of the High Temple to the Immortals talking inside.

She had heard there was going to be an urgent announcement, one for which many Immortals, particularly those of the younger variety, need not be present, something for those with 'experience'. So naturally, Ace had immediately felt this sudden, irrepressible urge to go along and spy on them and boy, was she glad she had.

After this all, the tricksy little goddess sauntered away before the doors opened to let the Immortals come pouring out in their hordes of excitement, thinking as she did, "If they didn't want me to listen outside the door, then they should've invited me in the first place."

Growing up with two of the Godlands' most adept thieves for parents, and a certain chaotic knack had certainly given Ace an advantage in her field.

At this point, she was quite the thief, even if no-one truly knew it yet. And The Goddess of Chaos knew exactly what she was going to ask for when she won, her grin widening as she disappeared just in time, the door opening a mere second later.

Chattering and yelling, the combined immortals of the Godlands poured out, getting ready to head for New York (where the Tomb was held), come nightfall.

After the museum shut, a pack of immortals entered its walls: ready to grab Kronos' tomb from its place in the centre of the museum. Each god crept, flew or ran through the halls of the museum avoiding the Security Guards or knocking them out, or, in the case of the telepaths, simply wiping their memories.

It was chaos, it was madness, it was everything Ace thrived on.

If the Immortals passed each other they would either sneak away or confront each other which soon led to bursts of colour illuminating the museum corridors as the immortals battled it out for the prize.

Let's just say that most of them clearly didn't know the meaning of the word 'discreet'.

Swords clanged, beams of Magic flashed and shields boomed as they deflected enemy blows throughout the corridors. More and more immortals fell, leaving less and less left as they made it further through the museum towards the Tomb.

One of these immortals, Thor, The God of Thunder, was striding confidently along the corridors, his red hair billowing out around him as he headed through room after room, battling his way towards Kronos' Tomb with ease.

As he went, he knocked down immortal after immortal until he entered a large room filled with the bones of an assortment of creatures. To the dismay of the god, he spotted a small living being amongst the remains.

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