Chapter Twenty Six

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I start to wake up slowly as the sun's light begins to flood in from the window. The memories from last night come to mind right away and my eyes fly open to confirm it wasn't a dream.

Levi lies next to me still restfully sleeping. I can't help but smile at the sight. He looks so peaceful with his hair falling in his face. He looks... innocent. His face looks fully relaxed for once as if the millions of thoughts that are using racing in his head and keeping him on edge have calmed.

The sight is so tempting I can't stop myself from giving him a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. His eyes fly open and he looks back at me in shock before his eyes dart to the window.

"Good morning," I say with a hint of humor.

He ignores me and quickly sits right up, his eyes still set in what looks like a mixture of shock and worry.

"What's wrong?" I ask, now starting to worry too.

"What time is it?"

My eyebrows push together deeper. "Eight or so. Why?"

He looks down and runs his hand through his hair. "I slept through the night," he says, as if saying it out loud confirms some question in his head.

"Yes?" I say in a questioning tone.

He doesn't answer, instead he stares at nothing as he keeps his thoughts to himself.  Last night he slept peacefully, a big contrast to the night he slept after drinking. What's normal for him?

As if he suddenly realizes something, he hops out of bed. "I need to get going," he says as he picks up his clothes and gets dressed.

I get up too, grabbing panties and a bra to get dressed too. "Why the rush? It's still early."

Fully dressed now, he walks over to the mirror to check on his hair. "I have a lot to do today, I need to-"

Knocking on my door stops him midsentence. Our necks snap to look at each other as we freeze. I look down at my half naked body and over to him. How am I going to explain to whoever's on the other side of the door what Levi's doing here so early? And where the fuck is my shirt?

Another knock comes from the door, making me construct a plan on the spot. "Who is it?" I call.

"Erwin," the voice calls. Fuck. Of course it is. Levi looks at me with an annoyed look. I give him an attitude filled shrug and head shake that asks how this is my fault. "Give me a second," I call back in the best casual voice I can. "Come," I whisper to Levi, pulling him by the arm and guiding him to my closet.

"What's he doing here?" he whispers as I reach around him to grab a shirt.

"Like I know," I whisper back as I put the shirt on.

"Arcadia?" Erwin calls again.

"Hang on," I call. "Let me put some pants on."

Levi gives me an annoyed look. "Is giving him a visual necessary?"

I roll my eyes, kissing him quickly before closing my closet door. Once I finally have my jeans on and after a quick finger comb through my hair I finally open the door.

"Hey," I say, my voice coming out breathy as I try to casually catch my breath.

He looks down at me and examines my rushed appearance. "Did I wake you?"

I shake my head. "Just got out of bed."

He nods. "Have you seen Levi by chance? He was supposed to get back to me this morning about a few things for tomorrow."

"He's not in his room?" I ask to avoid answering his question.

"Not since I checked," he replies.

"I'm sure he'll turn up. Something must have come up," I suggest.

Underneath it all [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now