Snow storm part 2

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He saw the nurse walking towards him. "So?" He asked her. "We got the mri back and she is bleeding internally in her abdomen, so she will need surgery." She patted him on the shoulder and gave him a 'don't worry too much' smile.

Time skip

"The surgery was a success. She's in the ICU now. You should be able to see her in....." she checked her watch. "90 minutes or so." He let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Thank you...." He said checking her name tag. "....Meredith." He smiled at her.

He waited impatiently for them to tell him he could go see her. He felt like he could throw up. He was hungry but knew that he couldn't eat. He saw Meredith walking towards him. "Alright you can go see her now. Room 319." He never walked so quickly in his life. "319, 319, 319" He whispered under his breath as he checked every room number.

He made it to the door, hesitating to open it. But he did anyway, and when he walked in Joyce was asleep in the bed. He walked over to the the side of the bed and sat in the chair. He held onto her hand as he thought about what he would say when or if she woke up.

A million thoughts ran through his brain. Barely any good ones. He started to really cry for the first time that night, resting his head on her chest.

He couldn't stop crying no matter how hard he tried. That was when the feeling of a hand rest on his head brought him back to reality. "You're awake?" He asked in a shaky voice. "Yeah." She smiled at him. He lifted his head up to press his lips to hers.
"I can't lose you." He whispered against her mouth. "I love you so much." He added. "I love you too." She took his hand and squeezed it.

He held onto her until the doctor came in to check on Joyce and give an update. "So how are you feeling? Any stomach pain? Chest pains?" The doctor asked holding a notebook. "No but I do have a headache." Joyce responded. "Okay, I can prescribe you some ibuprofen." The doctor left the room so Joyce and Hopper were alone again.

"Are you okay, Joyce? Like physically and mentally?" Hopper asked, concerned. "For the most part." She responded quietly. Hopper moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. The doctor came back in with her prescription. "Here you go. You can take 2 right now." The doctor said. She walked out of the room. Joyce popped the pill in her mouth and took a sip of water. But as soon as she tried to swallow it, she immediately bent over the side of the bed to the trash can and threw up. Hopper rushed to that side of the bed, holding her hair back and lifting the trash can to her. "Should I get the doctor back in here?" She shook her head no. "Okay well if it continues we're gonna have to." She laid back down in the bed. He sat back down in his chair.

"I haven't told the kids yet." He admitted. She stayed looking up at the ceiling. "That's okay. Only call them if things start to go wrong." There was more silence between them. Neither of them knowing what to say. "I'm getting really tired, Jim." She broke the silence. "You can go to sleep, I'll be right here." He smiled at her and she smiled back. Only a few seconds after she closed her eyes, her heart rate dropped, that loud fast beeping catching hoppers attention.

The nurses came rushing in, trying everything method and shots they could. Eventually, her heart rate was back to normal. Hopper could breath again. Joyce was still sleeping and the nurses had left. He decided to try and get some sleep himself. It was already midnight. He went over to the couch and made himself comfortable. He was finding it hard to sleep with the fear that she could possibly die. He listened to her heart monitor, dozing off into his sleep. Until he heard the sound of her heart rate drop again. But this time it happened all too quick. The second It dropped it was followed by the awful loud ringing sound of the flatline that filled the room......

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