Dark tunnel

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Trigger warning: violence, sexual abuse

It was hard to write this but I feel it allows more comfort between Joyce and Hopper

Disclaimer: I don't condone nor support rape/rapists

It was a good day. Hopper got called into work, but promised to bring home dinner. Joyce was getting dressed, along with Hopper. "I bet it's that lady and her stupid garden again." He grumbled. "Did her watering can get stolen this time or what?" She chuckled. He laughed along with her. "I don't know but what I do know is that I already can't wait to come home to you later." He said kissing her softly. "I can't wait for you to come home to me either." She smiled, returning the kiss.

Hopper had left and Joyce was in the living room changing the channel to find something good. That's when there was a knock at the front door. She went to go answer it, assuming it was one of the neighbors. She opened the door to Lonnie standing there. She froze, not knowing what to say. "Hey whore." He smirked. "What do you want?" She snapped at him. "I want my son. Jonathon, not will." He knew that's what pushed her buttons. "Well You're not getting him. End of discussion." She started to close the door but he put out his hand stopping her. "Don't speak to me like that." Still not letting her close the door. "You're a dick." She snapped.

That was the final straw for him. He pushed through the door slamming it behind him. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her up against it. "You're one to speak. You're good for nothing. Boring some would say. You've slept with every man you've ever spoken to." His face was dangerously close to hers. She could feel his breath on her face.

She pushed on his shoulders, sending him back a little. "Ohh you just got yourself in a whole lot worse situation, baby." He picked her up off the floor slightly, bringing her over to the living room. He put her back on her feet again. Grabbing a fistful of her hair bringing her face closer to his. "You corporate and this will all be over real quick." She kicked him in the knee, but that didn't seem to effect him much, but it pissed him off. She felt his hand collide with the side of her face. He smacked her. She fell backwards at the force.

"How does that feel?" He was walking around her. "Like you're a piece of shit." She said getting up. "Like I want you in jail." She added. This time he shoved her into the wall, letting her fall to the ground. "Well too bad the chief isn't here to arrest me now is he?" He was taunting her. But she didn't respond.

He got down on his knees next to her. "You're really at a loss for words right now aren't you? I knew i made the right choice to bring these." He said reaching into his pocket, pulling out two pairs of handcuffs. She started to back away from him when he tried grabbing her. But she was too far. She got up, running into the kitchen.

She was on the opposite side of the kitchen island from him. Whichever way he moved she would go the opposite. He started walking her way, she went the other but he quickly turned around and went towards her, grabbing her. Spinning her to face the island, he trapped her. Grabbing her wrists cuffing one to the cabinet door. When he reached for the other cuff, she managed to pull against it hard enough for it to break open. Due to it not being locked all the way. She ran towards the front door but again he was to fast. He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back into the living room. She kicked her legs, screaming at him.

He shoved her again. This time getting down to hold her in place, he cuffed both wrists to the couch leg. Making sure to lock them fully this time. He wasted no time pulling down his pants, then hers.
"Jimmy treat you nice?" Again she ignored him. He slid her panties down, sliding into her, not taking his time going faster.

She tried to hold back her tears, but there was no chance as soon as the first one rolled down her cheek. It was painful. She laid there completely still as he took whatever he wanted from her.

He changed angles. It sent a streak of pain through her. She cried out in pain, but he kept going. 
"t-that hurts. stop, p-please!" She was crying.
"Shut up"

Time skip

It was later that night. Hopper came home from his shift to the house dead silent. "Joyce?" He shouted walking up the stairs. He walked into their bedroom. She had just gotten out of the shower. she was in a robe brushing her hair. "Oh, hey." He smiled at her, kissing her cheek. "Your hair smells nice" She just smiled at him softly. Rubbing her shoulder, he bent down to kiss her lips.

Hopper sat down on the bed next to her. Joyce just rested her head against his shoulder while he caressed her waist. "I need to get changed but when I'm done we can cuddle up in the bed." He shot her another genuine smile. She sent one back, but still didn't say a word.

When he was finished changing he sat back down on the bed next to her. "Did El end up coming home early?" He asked. She chuckled at the irony of that question. "no. thank god." She realized she had said that last part out loud. She hoped he didn't hear it, but he did. "What?" He giggled a little. She very slightly smiled. "What's wrong?" There was concern in his voice. "nothing" She didn't make eye contact with him. "Somethings keeping you quiet." He picked up her hand, admiring its delicate features. She looked away from him.
"Hey, talk to me, baby. What's going on?" He asked moving her hair from one side to the other. "Lonnie came by today." She quietly stated. He looked at her with worry in his eyes. "What did he want?" He was annoyed that after all this time Lonnie still didn't give up. "i don't know. it seemed he didn't either." Hopper noticed a tear rolled down the side of her face. "Did he hurt you?" Her grip on his hand tightened. She still didn't make eye contact with him.  "Look at me, honey." She did. Her teary eyes met his. He pressed his lips to her hand.
"Tell me everything." She bit her lip. Tears still spilling out. "He knocked on the door asking for Jonathan. I said no and that pissed him off. He came inside and slammed me against the door. He pulled me into the living room.." she had to stop mid sentence. He was still holding on to her hand, listening to her like no one had ever done before. "He hit me. He pushed me into the wall. He chased me around the house. He-" she couldn't finish her sentence. His thumb caressed her hand. "He what?" He was worried about what her next words would be. "He raped me." That was all she was able to say before she couldn't speak anymore. Hopper was silent. He just held onto her while she cried into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, baby.." his own tears started to spill out. She was crying so hard into his shoulder, he could feel her physically shaking.

"He's gonna go to jail. I will make sure of it." He reassured her. "We have something new to charge him with." He added. Looking down at her hand that was in his, he noticed the cuff marks on her wrist. "Did he do this to you?" He asked. She looked up at him and nodded.

They both lay in bed holding onto each other. Neither one of them spoke. Just laid in silence listening to each other breath. Until she finally spoke. "It's not your fault." She whispered. "We'll I shouldn't have agreed to be on call." He responded. "I'd kill him if I ever see him again." He added. "It's still not your fault. No matter where you were at what time. He's an asshole and always will be. Hell if it's either of our faults it's mine." Hopper cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look up at him. "None of it is your fault, Joyce. He came here. He hurt you. Why on earth would you think it was your fault?" He held her face in his hands, running his thumb over her cheek. "He just told me 'this didn't have to happen' or 'you're making me do this'" She sniffled.

"He only told you that to make himself seem like he's not the terrible person that he is. You couldn't have 'made him do it'. It's all his doing."

"Tomorrow I'll arrest him." He calmly stated. He comforted her. Gave her a shoulder to cry on. Held onto her. He would've arrested him that night but he wasn't about to leave Joyce by herself.

"I would die for this woman." He thought. "I would give anything to take her pain away." Joyce doze off into a deep sleep. He watched her, kissing the top of her head gently. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night. He had to stay awake to know she was safe....

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