Part five

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Once I was changed I went back downstairs to see it was all cleaned up.

"Hey guys." I said
"Hey, we were thinking of going now if that's okay?" Jaeden asked
"Of course you can go stupid." I answered laughing

When they were done getting their shoes on I gave each of them a hug as they left. I gave Noah a hug last.

"You okay?" He asked as we pulled away
"I'll see you soon yeah?"

He kissed my forehead and left. I shut the door and went up to my room.

Girlies 💕

Hey guys, I hope I didn't hurt any of you

U didn't

Sorry I don't know what I did but I'm sorry

Do you like Noah better than us

What are you talking about?

You just ditch us for him all the time,
we barely talk anymore because of him

Oh so I'm not allowed other friends?

Like tonight u hang with the boys but not us

Finn had an anxiety attack
what did you want me to do leave him?

I think we should take a break away from each other


We can't have one sided friendships with you

But you guys know I love you

I didn't think you do anymore.

Kenz removed Ella from the group chat

I chucked my phone on the floor, holding in a scream. I didn't even do anything. Sometimes I don't know why I'm friends with them, this seems to happen all the time. I heard my phone ringing so I got of my bed and checked who it was. Noah was calling.I answered.

"Hey Ella." He smiled
"Hey Noah"
"What's wrong?" He said concerned
"I'm fine." I smiled
"No your not. Tell me what happened."
"Just some girl fight, I'm sure we'll be friends soon." I said
"I know there's more to it than that. Tell me."
"Just they were saying I never have time for them and then they took me out the group chat. I'm used to it though."
"Your used to it?" He asked
"They always have something to pick with me. One wrong move and we can't be friends. And I'm the one that always has to apologise."
"Just ignore them. And soon we'll be filming quiet place 2 so we'll have tones of time together." He said smiling
"True. I can't wait."
"Me neither. Now how about you get some sleep pretty girl and I'll speak to you tomorrow."
"Okay. Goodnight Noah."

I hung up and lay down. Taking Noah's advice I fell asleep.

Pretty Girl ~ Noah JupeWhere stories live. Discover now