Part 1;Chapter 1: The beginning of a journey.

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Wyatt wakes out of bed, excited for what this day will bring. Wyatt is getting a Pokemon egg! Or he hopes so. He hops out of bed and rushes downstairs, almost forgetting he was still in his pj's. He gets changed, brushes his teeth, grabs some cereal and rushes out of the door.

"Wait! I nearly forgot my backpack!" Wyatt exclaims as he rushes back in. He grabs his brown and torn backpack off the hook, nearly ripping it when he pulls. Wow, I need to get a new backpack, Wyatt thinks, Whatever, it'll be good enough to hold the egg I'm getting, whatever Pokemon it is. Wyatt makes sure that he has everything he needs and then rushes off to the Pokemon lab.

It was a bit of a walk to the lab but Wyatt was too excited to notice. All he could think about was getting a Pokemon egg from professor Sequoia. His family has known professor Sequoia since Wyatt was 10. Wyatt's 19 now. Unlike in other regions, the region of Zandos give people Pokemon around the age of 18. The year Wyatt turned 18 was too busy to get a Pokemon so he was getting one at 19. Excited, yet nervous, Wyatt stepped into the laboratory


Wyatt looked around the lab. It was bright white with blue highlights. Ahead of him was a lab table with 5 spaces on it, one with a blue and red ovalish item in it. Behind the table was a woman in a lab coat with blond hair. Wyatt recognized her immediately. "Hello Professor Sequoia!"

"Oh!" Professor Sequoia yelled in surprise, "Hello Wyatt! Have you come to get your very first Pokemon egg?" 

"Yes I am!" Wyatt yelled back while putting his backpack on a coat hanger that was nearby. "That is if you have any left." Wyatt already visited 10 times this month and with no avail. He was hoping that maybe their would be one left.

"Well actually, this one came in right after you left last time." She nudged toward the ovalish item, "It seemed that nobody wanted this one. They always want a pikachu or a charmander." She muttered to herself. Wyatt took a closer look at the object. He then realized that it was an egg, a Pokemon egg in fact, that was blue with red triangles and a thick tan line in the center.

"Well, I can take them." Wyatt said.

"That would be a relief," Sequoia said. "One more week and we would have to give the egg to the other lab in Johto.

"Hmm," Wyatt said while still studying the egg, "That's good, I might have never gotten an egg if that happened." Wyatt picked up the egg and thanked Professor Sequoia for the egg. But right as Wyatt was leaving Sequoia called him.

"You know that the eggs come with a backpack to hold them right?" Sequoia stated.

Wyatt was surprised to hear this. He looked at his backpack which was basically growing it's own mushroom farm in it's front pouch. "Can you tell me more about this backpack." Wyatt asked.

"Well, This backpack was designed to hold a Pokemon egg and then the Pokemon itself once it hatches. It also has a pokedex in it so that whenever you are in the vicinity of any Pokemon it will scan it and tell you about it. It is made to withstand long distances and can withstand many scratches and stabbing. It is also waterproof."  Wyatt thinks about this backpack for a bit.

"Sounds like a good deal!" Wyatt says, "Does it come in red or black?"

"Only white unfortunately."

So Wyatt puts the egg in the backpack and leaves. He heads back to his house to observe the egg more. Wyatt soon realizes that it is nearly night time so he makes some sandwiches and goes to bed, excited to see what his Pokemon egg will be.

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