Part 1; Chapter 3: Rival Ahoy!

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Wyatt made sure everything was in it's right place and then put's Tot(Who was currently trying to open the fridge) in the open space in his backpack. Now with almost everything he needed, Wyatt heads out on his pokemon adventure. Wyatt estimates that the closest grocery store is in Trudan city, which is around 15 minutes to walk on foot.

"You ready to walk, Tot?" Wyatt asked. To this he was met with a snore from behind, presumably from Tot. "Me neither." Wyatt said beginning to walk on the dirt road.

Wyatt walked for 20 minutes with still no shop in sight. Tot woke up by now and was also wondering where the store was as they didn't pack any food. "Darn, wish I remembered my map." Wyatt muttered.

"Are you trying to find Trudan City?" A mysterious voice said. Wyatt looked around confused, trying to find who said that. Tot also seemed confused and hopped out of the backpack. Wyatt looked to the forest next to the road and saw a dark silhouette of a man around the same age as Wyatt with a Houndour on his shoulder. It then stepped out. "If you are then you might want to go back where you came from the only thing over here is a cliff with some weird building in the middle of it."

"Thanks...?" Wyatt said confused, "What's your name anyway?"

"I don't like to use my real name, so just call me Ses."

"Wyatt." Wyatt responded with holding out his hand for a handshake. The moment he did this, the houndour  snapped at him.

"Whoa, please excuse Claw, he doesn't like meeting new people." Ses said. While he said this Claw jumped off of Ses' shoulder and started barking at Tot, to which Tot responded by using the move water gun.

"I didn't even know he knew that." Wyatt said to apologize for the water gun. 

"Well anyways, if you go back the way you came and walk for 35 minutes you'll reach Trudan City." Ses said.

"Thank you for directions, maybe next time we meet up we should try battling each other." Wyatt said as Tot hopped into his backpack. When Wyatt looked back they were already gone. So he started heading into the direction of Trudan City. Wyatt started thinking of what he would do after he gets some food. He plans on training Tot in the tall grass nearby and maybe catch another pokemon while he's at it. Once he finishes training then he will take on the Trudan City gym leader, Judy, who is an expert in the grass typing. Water is weak against grass so Wyatt plans on finding a fire or flying type. For now, he should just think about getting food. 

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