" Which Genius Chose to Name This School After a Pig and Pimples?!"

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Disclaimer: I own nothing, also, correct me if I get certain facts wrong. I have not reread Harry Potter in a while. Kind of rusty.

Hogwarts , 3.00am

It was very quiet in the corridors of Hogwarts. Not a single being, alive or dead made a sound. The patrolling teachers had already done their rounds in this particular corridor awhile back. Most sensible students would be asleep in their dorms. Then again, you try explain why a certain green-eyed eleven year old was running around alone.

Harry peeped around a the corners before moving. His feet made no sound and the only indication that he was even there was a soft whoosh of his invisibility cloak and maybe at times, a hint of black shoes that happen to be uncovered.

Soon, Harry stood in front of the statue that looked very confused. ' Is it just me or does he have his shoes on the wrong foot?' Brushing off the thought, he said clearly " Pinefresh". As expected, the doors opened to reveal a giant bath.

" Wow I think I am early. That or everyone else is slower than my grandma." ( A/N Not sure if it is OOC here but let's just move on) he said out loud. A loud snort sounded from the doors and two distinct silhouettes of people, both boys.

" Not everyone has an invisibility cloak smart guy." One of the male said. " Why are you guys hiding in the shadows like a bunch of weirdos?" He shot back. He could almost feel the eye roll

Out of the shadows stepped out one Neville Longbottom and Cedric Diggory.

" Why do we have to meet in the toilet of all places?" Cedric huffed. Completely ignoring the question, Harry went on. " Shall be go back to our normal forms, this is getting a little weird."

He got the two nods in response and a soft glow emitted from each of them. Their bodies slowly changed, seeing as they were in no hurry, and in a few minutes, three cloaked figures with wings stood where the teens were beforehand.

" This feel so much better." The black winged one commented before pulling his hood down to reveal messy black hair and a pair of beautiful sea green eyes and to top it off, a mask sat on his face.

" Luke, Beckendorf, how you guys feeling today?" He grinned. " I am doing great but would rather have Silena by my side now instead of waiting another year." Beckendorf responded gruffly.

Percy felt hands wrap around his waist, a chin rest on his shoulder and a puff of air tickled his ear. " I am great. After all, I have my world in my arms right now." Luke purred like a cat in his ear. Percy blushed rose red " Luke... you know i can stand it when you do that." He smiled softly at the blonde. " Ok, please stop making me third wheel without Silena." Beckondorf grumbled but his lips twitched upwards.

Percy shot him a mock glare for interrupting their moment. " Anyway, you guys remember the mission?" he sighed. " Yeah yeah. The time flow between our worlds are so weird." Luke waved him off dismissively.
Percy POV

" What's the mission again?"

Chaos sighed. " Again, I'm sending the four of you to a parallel word that might need help in the future." He repeated.

I felt... actually I don't know what I felt. How would you react if you were told that other than the whole bunch of planets around the solar system, whether discovered or not, there was a whole other universe out there!!

That's not all. There were like 50 more systems. The one we are going to, was apparently kind of similar to mine. Except minus the crazy gods, demigods and the people on it does not exist on mine. Basically only the world itself is similar. I'm still trying to wrap me head around it.

Oh and the time flow is different. So time on Chaon flowed slower. Way slower. About a year there was a week here....

" You are going to go undercover as people who already have so called ' destinies' there. In other words, you will be going in your character's from the very start from birth to death." Chaos announced, clapping his hands like a child.

... and now we are going back to the womb. Wonderful.

" Your character's file has been given to you. I advice you all to start learning." He said before falling backwards into a newly made portal. Dramatic.

" On the bright side, this could be fun, let's take it as a double date." I tried to get them to look on the bright side, seeing as I was the leader.

I looked at my file.

" Harry James Potter. Dubbed: the boy who lived. Parent: Lily Evans and James Potter, deceased, killed by Voldemort......."

I quickly skimmed through the rest of the file. Friends, favorite food, favorite everything, relatives, future, general knowledge of what would happen because we needed to know briefly what might happen, not fixed yet but might occur.

We stood up and started grabbing what we might need on the mission.

Flashback End

" Now we need to plan our next move. We already know that the Philosopher Stone is in this castle. But not what is guarding it or who is going after it for that snake-faced creep." I took the lead.

We are going to need to do a lot of planning and spying.

" Ok so just keep an eye out for anyone actually suspiciously." I instructed. Funny how I'm the youngest of the Elites by year of birth but I'm the leader. I'm not complaining but still the paperwork of torture.

We decided to head back to the dorms before anyone misses us.

" See you around the corridor, Love." Luke brushed pass me, giving me a light peck on the lips before leaving. I flushed red again. Beckendorf mimicked gagging in the background and dragged me to go back to Gryffindor's tower.


Anyone excited for this new story?
If you want to suggest anything, feel free to comment. I always look through them and who knows? Maybe your suggestion might end up in the story!

Word count: 1040

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