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June 21st

"And then she was all 'awe your so big now... I missed you much BLAH BLAH BLAH I hope we can fix our relationship.'" Indigo said qouteing her older sister with a mocking tone

"Did you think that maybe she was... ACTUALLY trying to fix yalls relationship?" Karl asked her over facetime

"Knowing her MOST likely not. I mean yeah shes my sister... But shes petty when it comes to stuff," She told him as he opened a monster. A call was coming though "hold on someone is calling me I will call you right back." She hung up and answered the other call

"Hello?" She asked

"Hey this is Jimmy," he told her she kmew his voice jimm as in Mr. Beast " so I was wondering if you and niki would want to come out here and make a youtube video or something. I can pay for your guys expense so you dont have to worry about that."

"Um hold on im gonna go get niki," she mutted and ran down the stairs "NIKI."

"What?" She asked, she was in the middle of a conversation with Meredith but she could tell it waz urgent

"Mr.beast is on the phone and he wants to know if we can go to North Carolina and film a video with him. He said he would pay for our flight stuff." She told her fastly

"Okay yeah. But when?" She qestioned

"Shit hold on," she unmuted "when would you be willing to?"

"Uh...." He tought for a moment "is next week good?"

"Hold on," She mutted again "Next week."

"Fuck. Okay we might have to cancel the visit to Florida, Delilah will understand though." Niki said

"Okay yeah that will work." Indigo told him after unmuteing

"Okay I will send you your flight deatals right now."

"Alright, thank you. Bye jimmy." She said

"Bye." He said before haning up

She ran back to her room and facetimed Karl. "GUESS WHAT!" she asked and shouted out of excitement

"What?" He qestioned with a smile on his face

"Jimmy just called me and asked if me and niki could go out to North Carolina to film a video, so now im going in a week." She told him happily, it hadn't registered in her mind that this would be the first time she had seen Karl since their break up.

"Crystal is gonna be here next week to..." He said lightly

"You haven't told her yet have you?" She questioned

"Nope." He told her poping the ' P '

"Well.... We can fake date." She suggested smugly

"I meam, we can only if your comfortable with it though." He said

"Yeah im fine with it." She reasured him

"So its official," he said "we are a fake couple."

Niki, Meredith, and their mom went out for lunch. Noah and Indigo were invited but they were both sleeping when they left and to be fair Indigo didnt want to deal with Merediths back handed compliments like "your geting so big on twitch, though you should try doing something that will ACTUALLY get you some where. Or go back to school like niki."

June 30th

Indigo rolled out of bed and walked down stairs to get coffee to see her brother already making it. "Morning." He said

"Moring." She responded

"I dont want to sit in the house all day so your doing something with me."

"We can go skating around the park." She suggested

"You know mom would though a fit if she found out I had a skate bored." He said

"Yeah thats why you hide them from her..?" She qestioned

"This is why your the bad influence child." He joked

"First of all fuck you," she said fliping him off from as he poured her coffee
"And second, I know im the bad influence child thats why I still have to boards in my room."

"Really?" He asked surprised

"Really." She told him

Thirty minutes later they were skating down the street to the park. The messed around a bit, threw the bark at each other, raced from the bench to the big tree up on the hill, chased eachother around, until they both ran out of breath and ended up siting on the swings just talking

"So whats up with you and lover boy?" He qestioned. His family wasnt the only ones who didnt know about their break up.

"Uh..." She sighed "we broke up a few months ago."

"Damn. You guys never said anything online." He said

"It was kinda dumb on both our parts... But now I have to fake date him tomorrow so... Thats fun." She told him

"Why'd you guys break up?" He asked

"He gave me a ultimatum, and I did choose him," she explained "and it kinda sucks because im still his friend, he dall asleep on face time every day, and I still love him but I just need time."

"I mean yeah. As mom likes to say 'time will fix everything." He quoted

"She is a very smart women." She told him

"But she is protective over us." He said with a tone of annoyance

"She just loves us. Thats what it is," She explained "I leave tomorrow."

"Nooo, dont leave me with the wicked witch of the west PLEASE." He jokingly begged

"Witch one? Meredith? Or mom?" She asked with a laugh

"Both." He told her, the two broke out in laughter

Nova speaks
HELLOOOOO i have a new book series coming soon that ties into my Ranboo book so thats fun!!

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