Hang Out

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One Direction just chilling out at Niall's flat to freshen their body and their brain. They watch TV and movies, or play video games, or play football, and so on. They're just finish playing hide and seek when the time reach 6 p.m. They decide to have a sleep over, because it's too dark, and they're too lazy to go home.

"Well, guys, it's almost dinner time. What're we going to eat?" Niall ask suddenly.

"Mmm...I don't know, order some pizza?" Harry suggest.

"No, we eat that almost everyday, boring. How about Chinese?" Louis suggesting.

"No, we eat that yesterday," Liam shake his head.

"Aha!!" Niall click his fingers.

"Not Nandos again, Niall! Even boring," they cut him off immediately.

"No, no, of course not. I'm tired of Nandos either."

Their mouth hung in agape. Niall don't want Nandos?

"Are you sure? That's your favorite," Zayn ask him in shock.

"Yes, I'm sure. I just want something different, like, fried rice?"

"Fried rice? Never heard about that," Liam said frowning.

"I saw it on the internet before, here," Niall open the Google on his laptop and type fried rice, the page open immediately, revealing pictures showing plates of.....brown rice?

There's some tomatoes and chillies on top of the rice too.

"Wow! It's looks delicious!" Harry commented instantly.

"Yes, It's looks yummy too, let's get that right now," Louis stand up ready to go.

"What're you doing?" Zayn ask him.

"Go get that food, come on!"

"No, Louis! I mean, if you guys want that, I'll cook it," Niall said.

"You can cook it?" Liam ask hesitantly.

"Yes, I can search the receipt on the Google again. Besides, where we can order the fried rice, anyway?"

"You're right, go cook it then," Louis sit down again.

"So, fried rice?" Niall ask again for assurance.

They nodded vigorously. Niall grin widely, then open the Google again and search for the receipt, before stop at the certain page and read it.

"Yes! I got it! Come on, Harry! We'll cook!"

Harry's eyes light up instantly. He's grinning widely too,"okay,yaay! I'll want that fried rice, come on!"

Niall and Harry run to the kitchen and doing what they must do. The other just wait for them while watch some movies. About an hour later, they're back bringing the food.

"Here, guys!" Niall put a big bowl of the fried rice on the table.

Harry put some plates, spoons and forks.

"Wow! It looks more delicious in real! I'll get the drinks, come help me, Lou!" Liam give Louis sign to follow him who obey it instantly.

A few minutes later, they already have food on their plate, and eat them instantly. But suddenly Liam yell startlingly.

"Oh,God! It's too hot, Ni!"

His first reaction is wave his hand in front of his mouth and gulp his drink quickly. Harry and Zayn just hiss repeatedly red facing and lots of perspiration covered their face.

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