Relay Race

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Louis is sitting on the bench at the edge of the field, waiting for their number to called.

Today their college will join in a relay race tournament, at the 1600 meters class.

Their team are including himself, Harry, Zayn and Niall. Niall is the first runner of 400 meters, the next is Zayn, then Harry, and the last is himself.

But he didn't know why suddenly he felt a bit dizzy. He is rubbing his temple when Niall sit beside him.

"Hey, you okay, Lou?"

"Ugh, just a bit dizzy."

"0h, I'm so sorry," Niall rubs his back,"do you want some medicine?"

"No, no. I think it will pass in a while."

"Oh, okay," Niall said hesitantly.

But after a while, Louis's face seems more paler. Clearly, he try to hold the pain. Even at one point, he leans his head against the back of the bench and close his eye, with his right hand cover his face.

Finally, Niall stand up and pat Louis shoulder.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Louis just nodded silently. Niall sigh sympathetic, before walk away. Truthful is, he want to ask their coach if Louis can be replaced. He didn't have the heart seeing Louis condition like that.

Unfortunately, he can't be replaced. Their coach, Liam Payne, said, if just his leg not injured he can replace Louis.

Yes, Liam Payne's age is as young as his students, but he injured his leg at the car accidents a month ago, and he still limped until now.

Niall sit back next to Louis whose now already sit up steadily.

"Here. I buy the warm tea for you," he give him a plastic cup of tea.

Louis startle a little,"oh, you don't have to do that, Niall."

"Yes, I want to. Please just drink it, maybe you feel better after that."

"O-okay, thank you, Ni."

Niall nodded smiling.

A few minutes later, their number called. Louis, Niall, Harry and Zayn high five each other before stand at their position. Harry and Zayn frown a little, because Louis hand felt rather hot. But they didn't have time to ask him about that, because the start code sounded already.

Liam sit on the bench and yell them some spirited words, while clapping his hands.

Meanwhile, Louis dizziness back again, even now it's felt worst.

'Oh, God. Please give me the strength to finished this tournament. I don't want to dissapoint my school,' he pray in his heart.


Just then Harry run closer, and give the short stick to him. Louis accept it before run as faster as he can.

"Come on, Lou! You can do it!"

"Louis! Louis! Louis!"

He heard the voices. It lift his spirit immediately. He run faster and faster. But suddenly, he is engulfing by the darkness.

Hours later Louis wake up in a white room, and on a white bed, He frown a little, why is he in a hospital?


A hug greet him. It's from his coach apparently.

"Uh, c-coach?"

Liam pull away gently.

"Thank's, God you're awake, Lou. We were so worried about you. Niall, Harry and Zayn are buying some fruit for you now. How do you feel?"

"Uh, I just felt weak. But what happen? Didn't we in a relay race before?"

"Yeah, but you were collapse when still running."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, coach. You all must be disappointed."

"Sorry for what? And disappoint by what?" Liam smile softly.

"We didn't won, did we? Because I'm-..."

"Yes, we won!" Liam grin widely.

"What! No! You must be kidding," Louis shake his head.

"Yes, we won, Lou," another voice heard.

Louis turn his head.


Zayn also hug him immediately, followed by Niall and Harry.

"Thank's, God you're awake. And yes, we won that tournament, Lou," Zayn said again.

"But how?" Louis still frowning his eyebrows.

Harry sigh before explain it,"you were collapse right after you pass the finish line."

"Oh, really?"

They nodded silently.

"We're sorry, we didn't pay attention at your condition yesterday," Harry said again.

"Yesterday? So, I passed out for a day?"

"Yeah, you have a really high fever yesterday. But the doctor said that maybe you just exhausted. And you can go home tomorrow," Zayn explain now.

"Oh, thank's God."

"Yeah, but what happen exactly, Lou? Why didn't you tell us you were sick?" Zayn ask him carefully.

Niall clear his throat,"actually, he told me before."

"What?" Zayn and Harry said startlingly.

Niall then explain the whole story, added with Liam's explanation here and there.

Zayn and Harry nodded understanding. They also told about their suspicion when they felt Louis hand.

After they finish with the story, Louis bow his head.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I'm bothering you all with my disease."

"It's okay, Lou. The important thing is you are health and safe now, and thank you, Lou. We won because of you," Liam said now.

"No, guys. We won not just because of me. It's because of you all too. We're a team, remember?" Louis replying with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. We're a team. Let's high five, guys!" Niall ask enthusiastically.

They laugh happily before high five each other, and doing a group hug, like usual.

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