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Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn are best friends since middle school. They always hanging around together, well, once in a while with their other friends outside their gang ( it's the other name of group, I think). Yeah, that's what people in school called them, gang One Direction ( because they have two equal hobby, it's music and sport ).

Today is the 5th year after their graduated from school. So, they decide to reunited by go camping.

At the 3rd day of their camp, Niall grab his badminton racket from his backpack.

"Wow! You still keep that?" Harry ask in his shock.

"Of course! We like to play this sport back then, aren't we? Especially me. Come on, Haz! Play with me. I'm bored," Niall said half-whine.

Harry shake his head,"no, no, no! I forgot about the badminton now."

"What? How could you forgot this?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I rarely play it now."

"Oh, okay then," Niall look dissapointed, but his gaze fall on Liam,"Liam?"


Then his gaze fall on Zayn,"Z?"

"Nope, sorry."

Niall pout his lips. They chuckle amusingly.

"Oh, don't be like that, Nialler. Maybe you can ask Louis. He sure is can't refuse you," Harry said still chuckling.

Yeah, Louis is the most softest person between them. Especially if it's involve their Nialler. It's like they have a special bond. But it's no problem for them. They still love Louis and Niall for being themselves.

Niall's eyes light immediately.

"Oh, yes! I'll ask him. Ha! There he is."

Louis just walk out of the tent,yawnig and stretching his arms,"morning, guys!"

"Morning, Lou!" They greet him back.

"Hey, Lou, would you please play badminton with me later?" Niall ask him hopefully.


"Yes, we're not play it for a long time, aren't we?"

"Mmm...I don't know. I rarely play it along these years. I think I forgot a little."

"No, you will not forget it. You're the best at this play. I think you still can play it. Come on, Lou. Please, please, please. I'm really bored now," Niall plead him with his puppy dog eyes.

Louis heart melt when see his pleading eyes,"mmm...okay, but let me take a breakfast first, alright?"

"Alright. Yaay! Thank you, Lou," Niall hug him tightly.

Louis and the other chuckle lightly. Harry mouthed him 'I told you.' Niall just nod and smile thankfully.

An hour later, Louis and Niall already play badminton with Liam as a referee, with Harry whose supporting Louis, and with Zayn whose supporting Niall. The score now is 13-14 for Louis.

"Come on, Nialler! You can beat him!" Zayn yell some support words.

"Lou! Don't let him beat you! Come on! Just one score again!" Harry yell too.

In a few minutes the first set end with the score 15-15.

"Wow! You still great at this, Lou," said Niall while they take a rest.

"You too, Nini. You're such a great player, you know?"

Niall just chuckle shyly. Louis smile and ruffle his hair before ask,"do you want to continue this play?"

"Of course I do."

"Then come on!"

Louis and Niall stand up and start to play the second set. At one point, the shuttlecock that hit by Niall fly too low, almost land on Louis right side where it could be in, if they play on the real badminton field.

Louis chase it and crouched his body to hit it back, but suddenly he fell sideways and cry out in pain, clutching his calf.

Niall stop play and drop his racket before rush towards him, followed by the other.

"Louis, you okay?" Niall ask him frantically.

Louis grit his teeth,"I don't know, I think it's cramp," he hiss in pain still clutch his calf.

"Oh, my...hold on, okay? I'll try to massage it," Liam start to massage his calf.

"Aargh!! Liam! It's so hurt!" Louis grit his teeth again.

"I know, I know. Just calm down, okay?" Liam still massage his calf gently," Niall, could you bring Louis some water?"

Niall nodded and stand up to find their bottle water. Harry prop Louis head on his lap, and wipe Louis tears that start to drop.

"Hey, please don't cry, Lou. It will be alright, okay?" Zayn rubs his arm up and down soothingly.

"But it's so hurt, Z.....arrgh!! Liam!"

"Uh, sorry, Lou. Just hold on for a little bit, alright?"

Just then Niall back with a bottle water and give it to Louis, whose drink it immediately.

"Thank's, Ni," Louis put down the bottle beside him, still wince sometimes.

"Niall just nodded,"I'm sorry, Lou. I force you to play this," Niall bow his head and bite his lips nervously.

"Hey, it's okay, Ni. I want to play it anyway. It's my own will, not because of you," Louis wince again a little, but try to flash him a small smile.

"Thank you, Lou," Niall flash him a smile too.

A few minutes later, Louis face looks more relax. It seems the pain start to lessen.

"Okay, I'm done," Liam release his hand from Louis calf,"how do you feel now?"

"Wow! Your hand is magic, Li! It's not hurt again!" Louis answer him excitedly.

Liam chuckle shyly, and said,"thank's, Lou, but maybe you still have to stretch it, just so you can move it properly."

"Okay then. Thank's for your help, Li, guys. I feel better now," Louis grin excitedly.

"You're welcome, Lou," they said smiling.

Louis then hug them one by one,"Oh,I really love you,guys!"

"Yeah, we love you too, Boobear!" They said in unison.

Louis pout immediately when heard that nickname.

They burst out laugh.

"Don't worry, Lou, you're still a great guy, even with that nickname, right, guys?" Harry said.

They nodded smiling wide.

"Alright, guys! Now, it's time to group hug!" Niall said excitedly.

They laugh again, then doing their group hug like usual.

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