The Days Off

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Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall are on the way to Louis's house. They're got the days off for a week before another tour. They planned to go to some recreation places together, but yesterday Louis said he can't go because he wants to go with his family instead.

"Harry, are you sure? Maybe he really is go with his family," Zayn said from the passenger side.

"I'm sure, Z. I know he's in home right now. He sounds different yesterday. I think something happen," Harry answer him from the driver side.

"Okay, whatever. I hope he's fine. Hey, you, they really are drowsy," Zayn turn around to talk with Liam and Niall, but they both fast asleep together.

Harry look at the rearview mirror and chuckle lightly,"let them be, Z."

Zayn just shrug his shoulder.

About 2 hours later they arrive at Louis's driveway. Harry turn off the machine and jump out the car, along with Zayn whose now trying to wake Liam and Niall up.

Just then Louis's parents rush out from the house, each grabbing Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe hands. The sisters face look rather pale.

"Oh, hi, boys!" Louis mom greet them first.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs. Tomlinson! Hi, girls!"

The girls greet them back.

"Louis didn't told us you were coming," Mr. Tomlinson said wondering.

"Yes, I'm sorry I'm not preparing some food or some-..."

"It's okay, Mrs. Tomlinson. Louis didn't know we're coming either," Niall said.

"Oh, okay. Just come in, please, but we can't accompany you right now. The girls sick, so we want to go to a doctor."

"Oh, we're sorry, ma'am. Anything we can help?" Liam ask her politely.

"No, no, we're fine. Just help Louis to watch Ernest and Doris, please. He help us to take care the girls before, he looks exhausted. I just hope he didn't catch the bug."

"Okay, we'll help him, don't worry, ma'am."

"Alright then. See you later, boys!" The Tomlinson wave them bye.

"See you!" They wave them back.

"Come in, guys!" Zayn lead them in.

"See? He's in home," Harry said.

They just nodded before walk in following Zayn.

"Lou? We're coming!" Zayn try to call him, but no answer.

"Louis?" He call again.

"There he is!" Harry answer from the living room.

They rush in there. Louis fall asleep on the couch, with his arm covering his eyes. He really looks exhausted. There are two crib put next to him, seems it's belong to Ernest and Doris.

Harry shake his shoulder gently, but pull his hand away instantly,"shit! He's warm."

"What?" Niall put his palm on his front neck, beneath his jaw,"oh my God! He's got a fever."

"I'll search the equipment to compress him," Harry walk in the kitchen.

Just then, Ernest and Doris crying. Liam and Zayn hold them, then sway them while humming, in hope they stop cry, but it didn't work.

"Maybe we must change the diaper, Z."

"Yeah, let's search the equipment."

They walk around busily. Niall and Harry are compressing Louis, until he stirr and open his eyes, then jump in startle.

"Harry! Niall! W-....." then he attacked by a fit of cough.

"Hey, easy, Lou, easy," Niall pats his back repeatedly.

Louis clear his throat,"I'm sorry, oh my God! Ernest and Doris," Louis stand up to reach the twin crib.

"Liam and Zayn with them already, just lie down, okay? You must take a rest," Harry guide him to couch again.

"They're here, to? But why? Aren't you all want to take a recreation?"

"Yes, but we want to visit you first. Harry thought you're lying yesterday. Can you explain this? Why didn't you tell us?" Niall folded his arms across the chest.

"Louis! You're awake!" Liam and Zayn greet him with a grin plastered at their lips.

"Hey, Li! Z! How's the twin?"

"Great! They're so cute, even when they poop," Liam said chuckling.

"Liam!" Niall scold him, then rolls his eyes.

The other just chuckle loudly. But Louis stop immediately when see Niall still glare at him.

"Oh, right. Guys, I'm sorry for lying yesterday, I just don't want to ruin your day, beside, I thought I can handle this situation. My sisters all sick, so I want to help mom and dad to take care of them. Luckily Ernest and Doris don't caught the bug, they're on the way to a doctor now. I'm sorry," Louis bow his head.

"Okay, it's alright, Lou. But next time, just tell us the truth, whatever happen. Maybe we can help," Niall sit next to him and rubs his back,"I'm sorry for my demeanor before. Oh, and we already met your parent and your sisters when arrive here. They let us in and help you."

"Oh, thank's then."

"It's okay," Liam and Zayn put back the twin whose asleep now, to their own crib before sat on the ground in front of Louis.

"What happen exactly? Your sisters seems rather pale," Zayn ask him gently.

"Yeah, they throw up frequently since 2 days ago. Maybe it's stomach bug.....ugh," Louis clamp his mouth suddenly, then rush towards  bathroom just for bent over the toilet and puke his guts out. In a minute, Harry already stand next to him and rubs his neck softly.

"Haz, I think I caught the bug," Louis said before throw up again.

"It's okay, Lou. We'll take care of you."

"What about the twin? I don't want they caught it too," Louis said again when he stop vomiting, then wipe his mouth with tissue, and flush the toilet.

"We'll take care of them too, don't worry."

"But I don't want to bother you all."

"You're not bothering us, Lou. Don't you see how Liam and Zayn treat the twin? They're attach to them already, to the point they don't want to pass them to us."

Louis chuckle,"really?"

"Yes, now come on, take a rest, please."

"Okay, thank's, Haz."

Harry nodded and smile,"do you still want to throw up?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Alright, come on," Harry guide him and sit him on the couch,"do you want to lie down on the bed?"

"No, no, I'm fine in here. Where are the twins and the other?"

"Maybe they in the backyard playing together. Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, thank you, Haz."

"You're welcome. Just wait here, I'll be back."

Louis nodded then lie down on the couch. For the next hours, they take turn to caring for Louis and the twin.

When his parent and his sisters back, he felt better already. He really are thanked to his friends. He hope they don't catch the bug too, and always healthy whatever happen.

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