The missing Firelord

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15 years after the war's end.

Banners all over the world announced the same thing:

General Iroh dead.


Mai's gentle call was followed by a soft knock on the firelord's door.

There was no answer.

"Zuko..." She let out a deep sigh. "Please come out. I know you're grieving, but shutting yourself out isn't going to help." He voice cracked. "Please... talk to me. Let me in."

There was still no reply.

Mai leaned her head against the door. "Zuko... I'm coming in, alright?" She carefully creaked the door open.

The room was empty.

Mai stood and stared, then whirled on her heel and strode out.


"What do you mean he's gone?" Toph's voice was sharp. She and her friends were gathered with Mai in the throneroom. They'd been in the capital for Iroh's funeral, so their getting together was quick.

Mai replied, voice equally sharp. "You heard me. We can't find him anywhere; and the entire palace has been searched."

"Are you sure you searched everywhere?" Katara's voice was worried, her blue eyes shimmering with anxiety.

Suki and Ty Lee, at Mai's side, nodded. "Even the stables and the prison." Ty Lee responded. "Nothing came up."

"If he's not in the palace..." Sokka muttered, eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Have you checked the city?"

Suki nodded. "He's not there, either."

"Aang." Toph called out. "Stop that."

The avatar glanced at the earthbender from where he paced, anxiety billowing off of him in waves. "S-sorry." He came to a stop, still jittery.

Katara took his hand and squeezed. He squeezed back.

The seven of them stood around, trying to figure out where Zuko might be.

The shrill cry of a messenger hawk made them look up as the bird landed on Aang's outstretched arm.

There was a cylinder strapped to its back, the three spiraled symbol of the Air Nomads engraved clearly onto it.

Aang glanced at his friends, nervously. At their nods of approval, he gingerly opened the casket and pulled out a rolled-up piece of parchment. The first thing he saw written were the words 'Soley for Avatar Aang. Everyone else unauthorized to review contents of this letter.'

"Uh..." Aang started, nervous. "I'll be right back." He passed the messenger hawk to Ty Lee, grabbed his glider and walked rapidly out of the room before gliding to the very top of the palace. There, he opened the letter.

It contained very little.

Avatar Aang,

Ba Sing Se.

Please, come alone.

- The Blue Spirit

The airbender stared at the letter. Guess I'm going to Ba Sing Se.

He grabbed his glider and glided back into the throneroom.

"I have to leave." He announced.

Everyone turned to stare at him.

"What?" Sokka asked. "Why? Where?"

Aang looked at the ground. "I can't say. Sorry." He rubbed his arm. "I- I should probably get going." He gave Katara a quick peck on the cheek and turned to leave.

"Aang, wait."

Mai's voice had him stop. He turned to look over his shoulder at her.

"It's Zuko, isn't it. He asked for you."

Aang stared at her in silent confirmation then turned his attention to his friends. "I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll send a hawk when I can."

He turned and left.

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