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@PennyRAckles "No, Penelope, you are not allowed to take my picture right now

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@PennyRAckles "No, Penelope, you are not allowed to take my picture right now. I'm trying to have a conversation with you!" 😉

TAGGED IN POST: @alexandercalvert

@alexandercalvert, @danneelackles512 and 8,952 others liked


@alexandercalvert "No, Alex, I'm not going to post the picture I just took after you said not to on social media!"🙄
›› @PennyRAckles You know you love me😜❤

@user1 OMG they went on a date! #penalex

@jaredpadalecki you two left in the middle of filming! Shame on you, @alexandercalvert for letting her influence you like that! @PennyRAckles
›› @PennyRAckles I swear it was all his idea! I didn't do any influencing this time!

@user2 Jared's comment OMG! Did they really leave in the middle of filming???

@jensenackles have I mentioned I want to murder him yet? @alexandercalvert
›› @PennyRAckles you leave my precious Jack alone, Uncle Jensen!
›› @alexandercalvert Please don't murder me, @jensenackles! I swear it wasn't a date. I just wanted to get to know her!

@danneelackles512 Oh, wow, he really is hot! Go get him, Penny girl! @PennyRAckles
›› @PennyRAckles thanks, Aunt Danneel!😘

@user3 cutie
››@user4 He's actually not that cute??? smh
››@user3 @user4 then go away??? smh

@misha the #penalex ship is sailing!


"Don't you have to shoot more scenes today?" Penny asked.

"Technically," Alex smirked, finishing off the rest of his drink.

"So we should technically be heading back soon." 


Penny rolled her eyes, sipping on her own drink. They'd been gone nearly an hour and they really did need to get back. For being the cast's "lucky penny" she sure got a lot of cast members in trouble constantly, and she had a feeling Alex would be no exception. They seriously needed to give her a new nickname...

"So, Jensen's your uncle?"

"Yeah," Penny nodded. "Though I'm practically another daughter to him. Since his brother, my dad, is super private and doesn't expose a lot of stuff to the internet, and I'm trying to make a name for myself, it was kind of agreed upon that I move in with my aunt and uncle."

"A name for yourself? Do you act?"

"A little, but my main love is music. I write my own stuff."

"That's awesome. Think I could hear something of yours sometime?"

Penny blushed, running a finger in circles on the rim of her drink.

"I, uh, don't sing much in front of other people. I mostly just write stuff for me. I think of the cast, the only people who have heard me sing sing are Jensen, Jared and Misha."


Alex almost sounded disappointed at her answer and she gave him a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, it's just a comfortability thing, you know?"

"No, yeah, I understand," Alex nodded. "I don't want you to feel pressured to perform for me or anything."

"Thanks," Penny gave a shy smile which Alex returned.

"I think we should get going," he said finally after a long silence.

"Good idea," she agreed.

Together they exited the small café they had stopped at, hand in hand. 

Jensen's Niece [Alexander Calvert x OC]Where stories live. Discover now