Convention: Part 2

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Penelope paced backstage, wringing her hands as her heart pounded in her chest. It was the second night of the convention and she was going to be singing in front of hundreds of Supernatural fans soon. Nobody knew she would be the one singing or that it would be something original of hers. All Richard Speight had put on the schedule was that a special guest would be performing after Jensen sang.

Jensen was currently on the stage, singing his arrangement of "Simple Man". It didn't help Penny's nerves to know she was going on right after her uncle, who everybody loved to pieces. She took some deep breaths, hopping up and down a few times. As her uncle finished singing, everyone in the audience screamed. Penny stopped pacing and prepared to head out onstage as Rich went out to announce her.

"How 'bout another round of applause for Jensen Ackles!" Rich said into his mic.

The screaming and applause picked up again as Jensen waved and headed offstage in her direction. When he saw her, he smiled and winked. She gave a pained smile back as Rich continued speaking.

"And now, I know you're all anxious to know who our next performer is. Before I bring her out, I'd just like to say, this is a really big deal for her. So please, give her all the love and support you can."

Jensen looked over at her as she shook out her hands and let out another deep breath, bouncing on the balls of her feet. His eyes widened in shock, as if he just made the connection between her behavior and what Rich was saying onstage.

"Now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Penelope Reese Ackles!"

Mustering all the courage she could, Penny walked out onstage as the audience screamed and cheered. She sat down at the piano, adjusting the microphone so she could be heard.

"Hi guys. So, I texted Rich about a week ago and told him I wanted to sing an original song for you guys, and, well, here we are. This is called 'I Think I Kinda, You Know' and it's dedicated to my boyfriend, Alexander Calvert. I hope you like it."

Biting her lip, Penny closed her eyes and tuned out the audience as her fingers began playing the first few chords.

"So much has happened, think of what we've done,
in the time that the Earth has traveled 'round the Sun.
Winter, Spring, Summer and we're back to Fall,
we've been together hand-in-hand through it all.
From the minute we kissed, and my heart skipped a beat,
to the night that we danced, I was swept off my feet.
Sure as every year has to come to an end,
I'd go spinnin' 'round the Sun with you again and again and again and again.

"I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know.
Like the way that we flow.
Like the way that we go.

And I love,
I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know.

"Sometimes you know exactly what to say.
Then you open your mouth and the words go away.
Don't want you to wonder or to doubt or guess.
So let me tell you clearly what I'm tryna express,
it's just three little words, yeah, it's not a big deal.
It's not like I can help feelin' all that I feel,
and by now, I'm sure you're thinking it's so obvious.
But just in case it's not, what I'm sayin' is this, what I'm sayin' is this:

"I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know.
Like the way that we flow.
Like the way that we go.
And I love,
I think I kinda, you know.

I think I kinda, you know.
Mm, I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know.

"You know how we can talk all night,
And not run out of things to talk about.
It's rare that somethin' feels this right,

it feels so right.

"I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know.
I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know.
I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know.

"I can't help dreamin' of you.
Guess I'm sayin' I don't not love you.
You know, you know, you know."

As Penny played the last few chords and opened her eyes, it was like she was suddenly aware of her surroundings once more. Every single member in the audience was on their feet, cheering, screaming, and clapping for her. She felt her cheeks heating up as she stood from the piano bench and did a little bow. She brought her hands to her mouth to hide her smile, taking in the crowd's reaction.

Rich came back out and put an arm around her shoulders, beaming.

"Wow. What a performance. Right folks?"

The crowd picked back up and Penny buried her face in her hands.

"Alrighty, let's let our Lucky Penny get backstage before we totally overwhelm her," Rich chuckled, giving her a quick squeeze.

When Penny stepped back behind the curtain, Jensen, Jared, Danneel, Alex and her cousins were all standing there waiting.

"That was amazing, Penny girl," her aunt grinned, pulling her into a side hug due to Arrow sitting on her hip.

"Misha's going to be so pissed he missed it!" Jared laughed, also giving her a hug.

"You didn't... record it, did you?" Penny asked timidly.

"Are you kidding? Of course we recorded it! Along with everyone else in the audience with their phones out the entire time!"

She received another side hug from her uncle, who was holding Zeppelin and then hugged JJ before finally turning to face her boyfriend.

"So... I think I kinda..." she began.

"I know," he smiled, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Awwww," Jared and Danneel chorused.

"You called me your boyfriend," Alex smirked when he pulled back.

"Is that okay?" Penny blushed.

"We've been dating for nearly a five months. Yeah, it's okay."

She smiled, pulling him down for another kiss. 

Jensen's Niece [Alexander Calvert x OC]Where stories live. Discover now