Protective Uncle Jensen

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They had finally finished filming for season 13 and everyone was getting ready to head back home for a while while the last few episodes aired over the subsequent weeks. Jensen was especially anxious to get home and see Penny. She had been staying with Danneel and the kids since two weeks after the convention. After Richard Speight had suggested getting the young woman off set, Jensen made sure to buy her the first plane ticket back to Texas he could find.

It seemed to be just what his niece had needed because it didn't take long for her to be back on her feet instead of sulking around like she had been in his trailer. He also loved that she was getting more confident in her singing and putting more of her original stuff out there, even if it was causing a bunch of drama. He was pissed when the article about the trio that had been circulating managed to get back to him.

He hoped Penny hadn't seen it, but given that it had reached him, there wasn't much chance that his hopes would be a reality. Misha had agreed to bring Vicki and the kids to Texas and spend some time with them during their break. Jared would also be stopping by frequently and even Richard Speight promised to try and get a few days at the Ackles home. Jensen knew everyone was just worried and wanting to check up on Penny, but he didn't blame them.

When he and Jared finally arrived in Texas, both families were there to welcome them. After kissing their wives and greeting their children, both actors pulled Penny in for a hug.

"You okay?" Jensen asked her quietly.

"Yeah," Penny answered honestly.

"I bet Danneel has loved having another driver in the house," Jared joked.

"Oh, you don't even know," Danneel grinned.

They all laughed as they made their way out to the cars.


Jensen knocked on Penny's bedroom door before entering. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, a notebook open in front of her with lots of scribbles and words. There was a pen resting in the spine and she was strumming chords on her ukulele.

"Hey, are you busy?" he inquired.

"No, I can take a break," she replied, setting the uke down and moving the notebook.

He walked over and took a seat on the bed next to her.

"Did you see the article?"

"Yeah," Penny scoffed, rolling her eyes. "It's so stupid. I know I shouldn't pay attention to that kind of stuff since it comes with the territory, but..."

"Yeah," Jensen nodded in understanding. "They were right about one thing, though. This kind of is a dramatic chain of events that's unfolded since January."

"I know. If you had told me back in December that I would be posting videos of me singing original songs on Social Media because the boy I liked got back with his ex, I would have called you crazy."

"Alex's song..."

"What about it?"

"I mean, he basically outright said he wasn't the only one in the wrong and accused you of..."

"Well, ironically, that's a lie. The most I did was block his number and ignore his texts. He's the one who went and kissed her in front of me in Starbucks that day."

Jensen looked shocked at this news.

"He did what?!"

"I walked into the Starbucks where we were supposed to meet just in time to see them kiss," Penny shrugged.

Jensen set his jaw, thinking through the new information he had been given. While he had texted her every single day since she went back to Texas, she hadn't revealed much about that day to him or anyone else for that matter.

"Seriously, though, it's fine. I'm dealing with it," Penny assured him.

"Are you? Because from where I'm standing, all you've done since coming back here is engage in a petty war of songs between those two assholes."

"Seriously, Uncle Jensen. It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine."

Jensen eyed her warily, as if not believing her completely. When he finally decided he wasn't going to get anything else from her, he sighed and stood up.

"Well, I'm here, if you ever want to talk about it," he told her.

"I'll keep that in mind," Penny smiled.

He gave her a smile back before exiting the room and letting her get back to her songwriting.

Jensen's Niece [Alexander Calvert x OC]Where stories live. Discover now