Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late update, but my studies are killing me. My history teacher just keeps on lecturing and I can't understand a word! For the first time, I listened to my sadistic sister and read the textbook daily. Anyways, hope you enjoy and give it some love! (with ⭐of course!)


'In WMMAP, it was written that Felix hated Anastasia to the point that even seeing her disgusts him. Why? 

The reason being her appearance. For example, Athanasia takes after Diana except her eyes, whereas Anastasia has everything similar to her mother Ambrosia. To the fact, you could call them identical twins.

And after knowing that Ambrosia had died during childbirth, Felix was..... well, you could say he was angry like Claude when Diana died. And I can say that without a doubt, cause I do remember when he tried to kill me by choking me.

And four years passed, but Felix never showed any affection towards Anastasia. Now that I think, my situation is similar to that of LP Athanasia. Wonder why?

Well, whatever. Back to the story, what Felix never showed Anastasia, he showed that to Athanasia. Affection.

This lead to Anastasia getting jealous, and her ill- temper towards Athanasia. And yeah...... she even got accused to poison Athy.


The truth - Anastasia really did poison Athanasia's tea.

Reality - Her maid, Sara, poisoned her mind and said things like- "Princess, your the true heir to the throne, while she's just a concubine's daughter. It's better if she's gone from your way, only then His Highness will look at your way'.

Sigh..... she just wanted her father's love, and instead she got - 

- execution.


Even if this dimension Felix is different from that Felix, both have unbeatable legend which is actually the pride of people.





"Smile", Felix bluntly said.

'Look at this. Before he'd ask me to cry, and now he's asking me to smile!'                                                 'This is so unfair and abusive....

"Giggle", and I'll just smile.

This damn reflex!

Felix gently carressed her face and smiled, "You smile very well".

'Hmph, are you satisfied now? Really, I should stop bothering him'.

'Let's ignore him and play by myself. Huh? Where's the.... other pair of this?'

"Are you looking for this", Anastacius smiled(?) as held the other pair of the box.

'You again!'

'Yep, this is life. After I get played by Felix, this idiot comes out of nowhere and troubles me.

Give it back! You smiling-psycho! Aren't you ashamed of stealing from a baby?!'

"What, you want me to take this too?", he asked as he took the triangular model from my hand.

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