8 ~ Maybe a New Friend Is What I Need

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When they made it to Kuritoma's apartment building xe stopped at the door and looked at Miya. "Well I hope your elbows heal quickly. Maybe if you're up to it we could go-" Miya was cut off by lips pressed to his. All he could do is freeze in shock, and when Kuritoma pulled away xe started to apologize. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I should have-" Xe didn't get to finish xeir apology before Miya was sprinting home.

Miya was conflicted, he didn't know what to feel about Kuritoma kissing him. On one hand, he did like it and wanted to kiss back but he was too shocked. On the other hand, he didn't want this to ruin their friendship seeing as he hasn't had the best of luck keeping partners, or even friends for that matter. He just needed a bit to think through his emotions.

Kuritoma stood by xeir door as xe watched Miya run away. "I've fucked up. I've really fucked up." Xe said to xemself as xe walked into xeir apartment. As soon as xe was in xeir room and on xeir bed, xe started crying. Xe was scared that Miya wouldn't talk to xem again and didn't want to be seen with xem anymore. Kuritoma decided it would be the best bet just to give Miya some space and try not to talk to him until he was comfortable enough around xem again.

The next day Kuritoma waited at the gates for Miya incase he wanted to clear things up but Miya walked right past xem into the school. Miya ignoring xem hurt a little but xe went to class with xeir smile never falling. When the bell for lunch rang xe didn't know what to do, usually Miya grabs xem so they can eat together. Kuritoma ended up just staying in xeir seat and eating there. About five minutes into lunch a short girl came up to xem. "Hi! I'm Haruhi! My pronouns are she/her, you're Kuritoma right?" Haruhi said cheerily with a smile on her face.

(The picture above is what Haruhi looks like)

Kuritoma smiled at her. "Yea I am, hi! My pronouns are xe/xem." Haruhi looked around Kuritoma. "Where's Miya? He seems to be attached to you. Did something happen? Did he stop talking to you? He has a tendency to do that, just ask Takashi." Haruhi told Kuritoma with sorrow in her voice. Kuritoma didn't realize Miya was known for leaving people, maybe he didn't just need space, he probably didn't want to be friends with xem anymore.

Haruhi noticed that Kuritoma went quiet and started spacing out a bit. "Hey it's okay! I'm sorry if thats what happened. If you've got a free friend spot open I'd be happy to fill that spot!" Kuritoma smiled at her and nodded. "Yea sure. You seem really cool, do you like music?" Haruhi nodded excitedly. "Oh hell yea! I even play guitar and sing a little! What's your favourite band? I love Artic Monkeys!" Kuritoma smiled at the common interest the two shared and talked more about music to Haruhi for the rest of lunch break.

After the last bell rang Kuritoma saw Miya shoot out of his seat, and instead of grab xeir hand he bolted out the door. Kuritoma was a little sad about this but Haruhi came over and smiled at xem. "Hey want me to walk you home? Maybe you could show me your drums or bass?" Xe smiled at her and nodded. As they were walking Haruhi started asking Kuritoma questions. "So why did Miya stop talking to you? Did he do something? Did you do something? Did you say he sucked at skateboarding? Cause if you did than that'd be a damn lie, have you SEEN him skate?" Kuritoma chuckled a little at her excitement.

"Well, don't tell ANYONE this! But I may have kissed him, and then he ran away. I thought maybe he'd explain himself this morning but he's been kinda ignoring me." Haruhi looked at Kuritoma sadly. "Awe I'm sorry he doesn't feel the same. And don't worry I won't tell anyone. But why did he run, isn't he pan? I mean if a hot girl kissed me I wouldn't run away!" Kuritoma laughed at Haruhi's words. They soon got to Kuritoma's apartment building and xe took Haruhi up to his apartment and into xeir room.

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