~Chapter 19~

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„it's getting pretty late, I think we should leave." one of the NCT members said, I couldn't really remember his name.

Was it WinWin? I think that's his stage name.

The other members agreed so we parted ways and went home. It was heavily raining outside once again and none of us brought an umbrella except Jin, who's always ready for everything. But now we were nine people with one umbrella. The umbrella wasn't even big enough for two people, so only Jin could stand beneath his pink umbrella.

While Jin walked home, the rest of us ran through the rain. Unfortunately I didn't wear a hoodie, so my hair got really wet. Due to the rain I wasn't able to see much and just ran blindly, almost running into other people. At some point someone grabbed my hand and led me through the rain until we were home.
This has happened the second time already and I still need someones help.

I wasn't able to see who it was until we were in front of our doorsteps. The hood was hiding the back of the person's head.

As soon as they turned around I was greeted by a big unique smile. „You would've definitely caused and accident if I didn't come and save you."

„Probably" I said and looked away. „Thanks"

„Luckily Tae led you through the rain, otherwise I would've come and save you once again." Yoongi winked at me and I looked away embarrassed.

I said bye to my friends and went back to my place. After changing into dry clothes, I decided to watch some youtube videos. A Video with Yoongi as the cover and title appeared in my recommendations, so I decided to watch it, thinking it wouldn't hurt anybody. I clicked on it and my eyes widened. It turned out to be an edit from thirsty fans, but I couldn't stop watching.

He sure is unbelievably handsome

And then my recommendations was filled with Edits of other Idols. After meeting some of them in person, makes it feel lowkey Illegal to watch such edits of them. I couldn't help but wonder what an edit of Tae looks like.

No no

Don't watch something like this!

I knew damn well, that if I'd watch it, my feelings left for him would grow even more once again. Even Yoongi's edit made me blush and fangirl pretty hard, so how much would an edit of Tae affect me.

Unfortunately I was too curious and clicked on a Video of him, that was watched about 3 Million times.

Immediately regretting that I did.


„Is something wrong Mina?" Jin asked me and looked at me concerned. This brought me back into reality and I looked at him. „Ye- I mean no, everything's alright." I smiled at him. I was sitting at a table with Jin, Namjoon and Jia at their place, playing some card games.

„You've been spacing out a lot this morning" Jia said and looked at me, as if I'd hide something. „What did you do last night after we went home?"

„I went straight to bed" I lied, because I was way too embarrassed to tell them that I spent hours watching Videos of my Ex boyfriend.

„You sure about that?" Namjoon said. „Also we're loosing against Jin and Jia, because you're not concentrating, so please at least be honest with us."

„I'm so sorry Namjoon, but it's uhm...embarrassing"

„Ugh Mina, you can be honest with us, we won't judge you." Jia groaned „It can't be that bad."

„It is"

„Just tell us, it obviously seems to get all your attention and fills your thoughts the whole time, because you're not giving us any attention at all."

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