~Chapter 4~

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I went home after looking around a bit more.

I decided to text Rose.

Me:"Hi Rose, how are you? You won't believe me who I met today."

She replied to me in an instant.

Rose:"I'm fine thank you, I just really miss you T-T and Who did you meet?"
Me:"But it hasn't been long since I left xD. I met Jungkook and Jin."

She left the text I sent her on read.

No reply?


Still no reply...

I sighed and walked into my bedroom.

What a day

I sat on my bed and looked a bit through old pictures. Most of them were selfies with Rose and me, or with Ana and Nini. Of course with Mark as well, but only on new pictures.

I really miss Rose and Mark, I wonder what they're doing right now...

One certain picture took me a bit off guard.

I thought I deleted every picture with him

It was a picture of me hugging Taehyung and him smiling brightly with his box smile.

Oh no

My heart ached at the sight

Maybe I should call Mark, so I can remember that my relationship with him is better anyways.

I tried to call him but he didn't answer...again?

What should I do now? I don't have any friends here...My Mom is probably still busy with unpacking her stuff. Should I visit my new neighbor? Or is it weird because I literally saw her a few hours ago? And she has visitors anyways...but, I might should give it a try, right? Or tomorrow would be better. Maybe her cousin and friends won't be there anymore by then.


I woke up and made breakfast for my mom and me. We ate together and afterwards I went to Jia's Appartement.

I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it, or not...but I heard voices coming from her Appartement, so she might open it and maybe tell me to leave. Her cousin and friends seem to still be there.

Suddenly the door opened. She stood in front of me and next to her all of a sudden KimfreakingSeokjin.

My eyes widened and his eyes did the same.
But then he started to smile brightly.

Jin:"It really seems to be fate huh?"
I nodded still shocked.
Jia looked at him confused."so you know each other?"
We both nodded at her question.
Jin:"Unfortunately fate is being too early, so I ask you nicely to disguise yourself Mina."
Jin:"Wait, why are you here anyways?"
Me:"Well, I don't have any friends here, so I wanted to ask Jia if I could join you guys. She told me that her cousin and friends are here, so I thought I might be able to make new friends like this." I smiled awkwardly. I actually thought they would've already left.
Jia:"Naw of course can you join us."
Jin:"Wait, so I was right, you came to visit, so please like I already said, you have to disguise yourself if you want to join us and change your voice a bit."
Me:"Why? are your friends weird or- Wait a minute-„ I realized what was going on.
Jin:"Yes all of them"

My heart ached.

Me:"I don't think I can face all of them right now, I still feel bad.."

?:"Why are you guys taking so long? Who's here?"

Someone yelled from the back.



Jia:"My new neighbour" she yelled back.
Jin:"I don't think they can face you right now as well, mostly Taehyung. but I don't want you to not make any friends here, so maybe just change your looks a bit, I mean you already look quite different.
Jia:"Wait a damn minute, what the hell is going on?"
Jin:"I will tell you later cousin"
Me:"So what exactly should I change?"
Jin:"Put your hair into a ponytail, because if I remember correctly, you never wore your hair in a ponytail back then."
Me:"Well yes rarely, because it's uncomfortable as heck."
Jin:"Well now you have to go through it."
Jia:"Oh I have a hair tie right here." she gave it to me.

I looked at them a bit annoyed.
Because it's not only uncomfortable, but it looks weird as well. The only positive thing is, that you're able to see the ear piercings I got during the last two years out of frustrate and because I thought they were cute.

Jin:"It makes you look more different than I thought, Jia give her your old glasses."
Jia:"I'm still confused" She said and got them for me.

Jin:"Your style changed as well...you wear more black and chains?"
Me:"Went through difficult times"
Jin hugged me."you can tell me everything if you feel like it someday, I hope it wasn't all because of us"
Me:"No it's alright, I'm okay now. I just feel comfortable wearing all of this, it feels more like me." I smiled at him.
Jin:"Alright, so now they might only recognize your voice. Make it a bit higher, you have a natural deep voice for a girl."
Me:"Thanks for pointing out an insecurity of mine."
Jin:"Oh no I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's just-„
?:"Can you please come back now? We're waiting for you guys." a tall man appeared behind Jin.

Oh my g-

He looked at me with a rather cold look.

My heart stopped beating.


?:"Who are you?"

Me:"I-I'm uhm-„ I tried to make my voice higher, but speaking became difficult after seeing who just came.
Jia:"She's my new neighbor and her name is Lia"
Jin looked at her while judging her for the name she came up with. Not very creative.
Just changing the first letter of your name and make a new name out of it girl, congratulations.

?:"Is she a fan of us?"
Jin:"Not really, I guess she's just stuttering because she's shy and you might surprised her."
Jia:"She came here to make new friends, she just moved here yesterday."

?:"Alright" He looked at me from top to bottom. A familiar look, the one he gave me when he still disliked me. „So are you going to join us or just continuing to talk here without us?"
Jin:"How about introducing yourself first?"
?:"Doesn't she know who we are?"

What? Did he recognize me?!!!

Jin:"No Tae, not every foreigner knows our group."
Taehyung:"Mmh, okay, I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you...I guess"

Thank god
But group?

Me:"Hi I'm Lia, nice to meet you too" I smiled at him.

Taehyung's eyes widened.

Damn it, I forgot to change my voice.

He looked at me strangely.
Taehyung:"Your voice reminds me of someone, but I can't remember whom it belongs to."
Jin:"I thought the same thing, but She already said that it's not possible, since she wasn't in Korea before and didn't have any korean friends in the country she lived in before."

He do be lying kinda good though

Jia:"Let's just go inside now."
She pushed me to the living room, where I met the eyes of all the other five members.

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