~Chapter 7~

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After choosing their favorite Ice Cream, I paid for them and was officially broke.

We continued walking around for a bit.
Jia:"Do you like it here Lia?"
Me:"Yes, it's so beautiful and with you guys it's even better."
Hoseok:"Aww Lia." he ran towards me and hugged me.
Jin:"Group hug~" he yelled and all of the other guys joined the hug.

I was so happy.

I felt tears forming in my eyes, but quickly wiped them away, so they wouldn't notice it.

I missed this...I missed them.

My phone began to ring and I looked at the Callers-ID.


Me:"I'm sorry, I have to answer this one." I walked away from them, so I'd be able to talk to my boyfriend alone.

I answered:

Me:"Hi Mark, how are you? I missed you so much. Why didn't you call me sooner?" I just started talking and talking because I was so happy to hear from him.
?:"Hi uhm, is this Mark's girlfriend?" an unknown girl's voice asked.

Me:"Yes! who are you?"
?:"I'm really sorry to tell you...but he cheated on you with me." she said sincerely sorry.
Me:"What! Is this a joke?!" I was shocked and tears were forming in my eyes.
?:"Unfortunately not. I didn't know he had a girlfriend and only just found out now. I decided to tell you this because it isn't fair. I'm going to break up with him now as well, but he's in the shower right know. He's a literal pig for doing this. I'm so so sorry." I could hear her cry over the phone. He seemed to not only have broken my heart, but hers as well.

I was already crying and the other guys who were watching me from far away noticed it.
But they decided to wait with talking to me until I finished my phone call.

Me:"But Mark wouldn't do this to me..."
?:"I thought the same. He always told me that he wasn't in a relationship, but I coincidentally saw the pictures of you guys on his phone and your number saved as girlfriend. But we literally started dating a week ago."
Me:"I'm so sorry too. Thank you for letting me know."
?:"Girls have to support other girls. Of course I'd tell you." she said sincerely „my name is Liv by the way."
Me:"I'm Mina."

We continued talking for a bit and were both crying our heart out, but Mark seemed to be finished with showering so she had to hang up. We even exchanged phone numbers.

I was so heart broken.

How could he do this to me? I thought he genuinely liked me? Why am I so unlucky with boys.

I walked back to the other guys after wiping my tears away.

Jia:"Is everything alright?" she hugged me tightly.
Me:"No." I hugged her back and tears started rolling down again.
Jin:"Who was calling you?"

I explained everything to them because they were for know the only friends I had and afterwards they all started cursing at Mark.

Me:"But I'll be okay. It's not the first time my heart got broken this much." Jin and Namjoon who knew exactly what I meant patted my back. „I guess I have to search for a new boyfriend then, long distance relationships aren't working most of the times anyways." I laughed trying to see things positive. Taehyung and me were literally talking about this before and here we are.
„I should've just broken up with him as soon as I knew I was leaving. It would've hurt much less." I sighed. „Just like my other Ex..." I whispered the last part so no one could hear it.
Jia:"So let's cheer you up and do something else than just eating Ice Cream."
Yoongi:"But what should we do?"
Jungkook:"We could go and celebrate, like a WelcomeParty for Lia."
Hoseok:"I know a good club."
Me:"I could really need a few drinks right know." Everyone agreed with Hoseok's Idea and we went there.


Jia:"It's so loud and crowded." she said while we tried to walk through the club towards the bar.
Hoseok:"It won't bother you anymore as soon as you're drunk." he laughed and told the bartender to give us two shots for everyone.
Yoongi:"We'll regret everything tomorrow." He sighed.

Jin:"Cheers" he said and afterwards we all emptied the shots quickly.

We walked on the dance floor and started dancing. The guys took off their masks because everyone around us was already drunk or didn't know them, so it wasn't a problem.

I saw Taehyung dancing with Jimin and laughed at how funny they looked. They noticed it and pulled me towards them so I was able to join them dancing.

It was so much fun, but the alcohol kicked in way too fast. I forgot that I was wearing glasses to disguise myself and the hair as well. I took the glasses off and opened my hair while dancing to the music.

Taehyung and Jimin who luckily were also already drunk because of the shots, looked at me in shock.

Jimin:"Oh my god, I'm starting to imagine Mina." He said while looking at me.
Taehyung:"Me too mate."

Me:"What's the problem guys? Come on dance with me." I laughed and grabbed their hands and motioned them to dance with me, but they didn't move.

Jin who saw us from farther away noticed that I wasn't wearing the glasses and my hair in the ponytail anymore.

„Shit" he thought and walked towards us.

Jin:"Lia you can't see with your glasses, why did you take them off?" he asked me nervously while the other two watched us.
Me:"Who's Lia?" I laughed, which made Jin push me away from the others.
Jin:"You are Lia!"
Me:"Oh right!" I laughed „But don't worry the other's are way too drunk to remember it tomorrow."
Jin:"I'm not sure of that, but it looks like I have to give them a few more shots." he sighed and bought some more.

Taehyung and Jimin were still watching us from afar.

Taehyung:"I-It's Mina." his face heated up.
Jimin:"We're probably just really drunk and you're desperate."
Taehyung:"I want to hug her."
Jimin:"I thought you didn't want to meet her again?" he laughed, but he never took Taehyung's harsh words towards Mina serious. He knew that they were soulmates.

Taehyung started walking towards Jin and me.

Jin:"What's up Taehyung?"
Taehyung:"Why are you talking so comfy with Mina?"
Jin:"What are you talking about? That's Lia, are you blind?"

Taehyung:"Mina!" he didn't listen to Jin. „I missed you so much."
Me:"I missed you too Tae."
Jin facepalmed himself after seeing me not cooperating with him. He handed us shots and told us to empty them already after apologizing for filling us up. We did as he said and know my mind was a total mess.

Me:"Tae!" I yelled because the music was too loud.
Taehyung:"Yes my love."
Me:"I'm so sorry for being angry at you for leaving."
Taehyung:"It's alright, I'm sorry too." he hugged me tightly.

Jin just stood there and watched us. „If you weren't drunk, your reunion would look different." he thought and decided to leave us alone for know because it was impossible for us to remember anything from this night. Or they're going to remember it as dream.

Me:"Tae...you know I never stopped loving you, even while being with Mark."
Taehyung:"Me too and I only act tough because I don't want to show how hurt I was when I had to leave you."
Me:"Can we just forget about it and get back together?"
Taehyung:"Yes let's do this." we both laughed and hugged each other.

Taehyung:"Look I found Mina." he showed me proudly to the others and Namjoon was the most shocked. Jin immediately told Namjoon about the situation.

Namjoon:"No this isn't Mina Taehyung. Let's go home guys."

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