Chapter 1

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"How does it feel? How does it feel to lose everything you thought you ever had?" My reflection stared at me as I stood numb in my bathroom with my phone in my hand.

I dialed his number once more. My fingers were trembling.

"Hello?" I asked as soon as he received my call. I didnt know what the reason to call him now was. Then I reminded myself that if I wont ask him this last question, I will never get closure.

"What is it now?" He questioned. Annoyance was clear in his voice.

"Do you still love me?" I asked him one last time. I was scared, because I knew the answer. But I wanted to hear it from him.

He sighed and then replied, "No, I dont love you anymore."

"Okay. I have nothing more to ask." I tried to say in a calm tone but failed miserably. I hung up immediately. I felt my body shiver as I sat on the bathroom hugging myself crying.

"Seo Hyun, hurry up. We are going shopping. Where are you?"

I heard someone. Wondering who it is, I opened my eyes. I tucked my hair behind my ear and got up realizing I slept on the bathroom floor. I must have slept crying. I could feel my tried tears. Ughh, what a mess. I tied up my hair, washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I opened the door of washroom and there she was standing impatiently, with a hand on her waist. My best friend, Eun Ae.

"Cmon! Go get dressed. We are going to mall." She said while pushing me towards my walk in closet.

"I am not in a mood." I said holding her arms to stop me from dragging.

"But why not? We have to go for shopping for Jins party. It is tomorrow, and you promised that we will be there." She said folding her arms.

"Because you forced me to agree. I dont like parties and you know that. Look, I am in a really bad mood." I said looking at the ground fidgeting.

I suddenly felt Eun Ae's arms around me.

"I know that jerk broke up with you. We all know what an asshole he was." She said hugging me tightly.

"But, I lov-"

"But what Seo Hyun? He wanted you to cut ties with all your guy friends. Plus I know he hated me too. He just wanted you for himself. Selfish retard. I dont understand how you coped up with him for 2 years. He always considered himself superior. He undermined you all the time. Dont forget that he had God complex and he just wanted to get into your pants. How typical!" She said angrily. She really hated him.

" I noticed your puffy face and red eyes as soon as I saw you. But I didnt say anything because I thought you didn't want to talk about it." She said and then changed the subject. "Anyways, please go get dressed and get your mind off him." She said holding my shoulders.

I sighed and went towards my closet. I wore a plain white shirt with my denims. I wore my watch, brushed my hair and put some gloss and mascara. I kept it casual. Picking up my wallet, I and Eun Ae left my room.

I descended the stairs and saw my mom was in the kitchen.

"Good morning mom. Did dad go to clinic already?" I asked mom.

"Good morning sweetheart. You know how much your dad loves his work." Mum said while making pancakes. They smelled delicious.

"Right. By the way, I and Eun Ae are going to mall." I said while picking up my car keys.

"I bet Eun Ae woke you up. Otherwise you would have slept till noon on weekend." Mum said rolling her eyes. Well, she wasnt wrong.

We had breakfast and left for mall. It was in the center of the city and it was a 30 minutes drive. Thoughts from last night kept coming in my mind. His words were echoing in my head. I was trying hard to hold my tears. I tried to compose myself as we stepped inside the clothing store.

"Can we please go to the food court now? I am starving dude." I said grabbing Eun Ae's arm as my stomach grumbled.

"Fine. We can go to food court because I am happy that we found these gorgeous dresses, despite your whining." Eun Ae said swinging the shopping bags in front of my face. I agree I caused a little chaos. I dont like shopping that much, but I will agree that both of our dresses are pretty damn good.

We took the elevator and entered the food court that was on the ground floor of the mall. My mouth watered as soon as the smell of food hit me. I was so hungry.

"I will have a hamburger, fries with extra cheese and coke." I said to Eun Ae as I scrolled through recent blog posts as I sat on the chair. I like reading blogs a lot. I am a blogger myself and my blogs mostly consist of the poems I write.

"Yes ma'am." I bet she rolled her eyes but nonetheless went to get our food. I was too tired from all the shopping because she took me to almost 15 stores to get the perfect dresses.

"Men are modern cavemen? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Why the hell did you insult us like that?" I heard someone yell from the behind. I turned and saw a guy getting angry at his friend. He grabbed his already messy hair in annoyance as he glared at his friend with his intense eyes. He was irritated which was clear from his expressive eyebrows. Albeit, I couldnt see his friend as his back was towards me, but he had broad shoulders and I bet even he looked good like his handsome friend.

I face palmed myself mentally and snapped out of my ridiculous thoughts, and went back to reading the blogs. Those two can fight all they want. Who cares? I know I dont.

Suddenly a blog caught my eye and I couldnt help but widen my eyes.

I think the masses are immensely unintelligent. I think our existence is meaningless. At times I reckon we dont exist. Women are easy to manipulate and men are modern cavemen. People are engulfed in pointless purpose or a lack thereof. And theres me who sees this when no one else does. At times I wish I were that ignorant and less arrogant.

Women are easy to manipulate and men are modern cavemen. Where did I hear this? I thought frowning and biting my lip deep into thought.

"I dont think I am wrong. Men are so idiotic. Half of them dont have any ambition and the rest waste their life on the species we call women. I laugh at the guys who say that they cannot handle women. Whats there to handle? Women are so naïve. You just have to hit the right spots to lure them and then just keep on feeding them all the lies you want. They will gulp them down without even contemplating anything." I heard a voice from behind laced with laughter.

I dont know what got over me but I was furious. I turned around, tapped that guy's shoulder and punched him square in the face.



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