116. But She Didn't See It Coming

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Hold onto your hats people, this author's taking you on a ride. :P

The heavy hand of the law had made a decision and it was to be followed. As Hitoshi and Silver could not be separated without serious detriment to their mental health, they were to be kept together. But, both children had parents— be they foster or adoptive— and those parents had rights. The judge had compared it to a temporary shared custody. Sunday through Tuesday they both stayed with Aizawa and Hizashi, Wednesdays alternated, and Thursday through Saturday they were with the Machiis. And for the time being, neither child would be going to school.

It was pretty good really, Silver hadn't expected the weeks to be split half and half. They were lucky to have this, unbelievably lucky. Hitoshi was probably furious that she hadn't consulted him before essentially forcing that heavy hand of the law to make this choice by overplaying her inability to leave his side, but that was entirely overwhelmed by the terror he felt. Silver and Hitoshi had been glued at the hip since they'd made it back to UA, but it hadn't been this literal for a while now.

There wasn't really any time for him to come to terms with the fact he was going back to the house he'd been avoiding as much as possible for two and a half years and would be staying there for two whole days. There was even less time for him to come to terms with the fact Silver would be coming with him. As soon as he heard, he'd grabbed Silver's hand and he only let go when he was sure they were alone.

They'd been in class when Auntie Nem came in to tell them. She'd brought them straight to the dorms where they had to pack up anything they wanted to take. Hizashi and Aizawa were waiting for them when they got to the common room, waiting to escort them to the train station. The train itself they would have to take alone. The Machiis would await them at the other station, to bring them to their house.

Parting at the train station was far from sweet sorrow. "Anything happens-"

"We'll call you," Silver promised, squeezing Hizashi's hand. He looked close to tears and Silver wasn't sure she could handle that right now.

"If they take your phone-"

"We'll sneak out. We're going to be fine." She was going to make sure of it.

"Are you sure about this?" She knew he didn't want this. He wanted to hold onto her, to hold onto them both. He would delay until the train departed without them if that was what it took.

Silver nodded, smiling in the way she must've smiled that first day when the running began and she told them over the phone that she could do it. "We have to go or we'll miss the train."

Hizashi pulled them both into a hug, yanking his husband into it too. Aizawa was stoically silent through it all, he didn't even wave as the train pulled away, he only watched them go.

Silver was almost surprised Keenan hadn't come to wave them off too. He'd been following the case so closely, always asking Silver how it was going, ever since she'd told him they were losing. Then again, he probably had lessons, and he probably didn't think there was much point waving her off. He knew she could take care of herself and that was all that mattered.

The train ride was silent. Hitoshi's grip on Silver's hand tightened the further from UA they got. He hadn't said a word since they got the news. She'd promised this would never happen, and yet it was. She'd given him false hope, and it had been taken in the most brutal manor possible.

The carriage itself was quiet, thankfully. Handling students from other years had been difficult for them, handling strangers was going to be so much harder. So it was lucky that, at this hour in the middle of the day, there were few people around and they all kept their distance.

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