Chapter 11: Dog, Cat and (Y/n)

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Just found out that I could put gifs on the top.

(Y/n): I can't believe that Twitter suspended my account. Didn't even tweet anything racist but they just decided, hey let's ruin this guy's day. Well, I can still stream on Youtube since they didn't cancel me because of me having big boobs or something along those lines. It's hard being a streamer sometimes you always need to come up with something enjoyable for all your viewers. I can imagine it's the same thing for writers trying to come up with a way to progress the story that intrigues their audience. You know what I'm just going to join someone's stream and see how they're doing.

He goes on Youtube and joins Korone and Okayu who were streaming together.

Bestdoggo: Collaboration with (Y/n) when?

Korone: We don't know when he is available. Our manager hasn't received an answer.

Okayu: I heard from the others that he is very unique. So I look forward to meeting him.

(Y/n): Oh yeah huh. I did make a mess of the collaboration orders the managers and me made. I'll stop by tomorrow though I'm too lazy to work right now.

His entrance door is busted down by Yagoo holding a battering ram. A snow globe on  (Y/n)'s desk falls to the floor.

Yagoo: The Cover Corp brand battering ram works just like it was designed to do.

(Y/n): I'm not paying for that door.

Yagoo: I'll get the repair money from somewhere. Well, I heard that you didn't want to work today so I decided to help motivate you. Let's go for a ride I'll drive you around so you can get some fresh air.

(Y/n): Okay your not going to drop me off in a forest are you?

Yagoo: Do I look like the kind of person to do that?

(Y/n): Nah, your smiles are too pure. Well, I'll trust you then let's get going.

The two get into the car and start driving.

Yagoo: How have you been enjoying your job so far.

(Y/n): It's okay. Sure it's nice to meet people again but also awkward. They're not exactly how I remember them. So sometimes I feel out of place when I'm around them now.

Yagoo: That's the thing about time. Things are going to change some more than others. You have to decide as well if you will stay set in your ways or change as they did.

(Y/n): Change is not always for the better that's why it's something I've tried to avoid.

Yagoo: Why did you suddenly decide to share this with me and not one of them?

(Y/n): Because you were the only one to ask. Plus if you want to treat me like your son is not your duty to grant me some advice.

Yagoo: I see. Well, hopefully, one day you can share with them how you truly feel.

(Y/n): Maybe but I know it's not going to be soon. They see me as someone carefree and without any problems. That's how most view me.

He pulls out his mask and puts it on. Walking out of the car door he sees a bakery and an onigiri store in the middle of the two empty building with shattered windows and a rusty cage. He pulls out his phone.

(Y/n): I took a peek at someone's stream and decided why not give them a visit. So here I am outside where Korone and Okayu live.

SoulSpeaker: Stalker much.

(Y/n): Me not so much. Yagoo perhaps. He was the one who drove me over here. Now then if any of you want to tell them I'm waiting outside you're more than welcome to. I don't feel like walking and waiting at the front door.

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