BEHIND THE SCENES(mid chapter special)

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this happens when a story of mine is mid way through or reaches 5k reads.

We will look at easter eggs hidden in the book, cut ideas, character insparations, and more.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy...

Y/Ns' non insert name

Y/N L/N is the main character of the book. He is you. But let's say that he's in another one of my stories(hint hint). What would his name be?

His real name is Adam Weathers of Jacksonville.

So if he ends up in another book(Take.The.Hint), NFM Y/N will be adressed as Adam.

Adams Leg Brace

Adam had taken a bladed tire iron to his knee when he showed to school one day with no money.

The leg brace he now wears is based on the one used in Mad Max: The Road Warrior, which is made from picktruck tailgate hinges.

John Johnson's name insparation

John is the police cheif of Rockefeller City Police Department and is considered a city hero.

But his last name isn't Johnson. Ironically, he took up the name when marrying Kateys devoriced mom, Mary Johnson.

John Johnson's name was inspired by Filthy Franks COTW video 'Anti Teen Smoking Ads', where he uses the name John Johnson to identafiy the 'producer' from the 'director'.

Rockefeller City Insparation

Rockefeller City(or Jacksonville) is based in Flordia of USA.

The name comes from ThatDarkCreature's story setting: 1273 Rockfeller City.

The only deferences are the number '1273' being removed as it's a street name and the where the city is located.

World War Fur

In the start of the book, Adam mentions he was 5 years old when a war started. More specifically, World War Fur.

This is the war that takes place in 'Fear is a Four Letter Word'(my first and most popular story).

'Never Forget Me' takes place three weeks after the starting events of 'F4LW', meaning there's more then what meets the eye.

Story Insparation

The insparation of the story is mainly inspired by ThatDarkCreature's 'you're a keeper' story, but in a suiciadal setting.

The meeting behind the school being the most notable reference out of the book.

Cut idea: April_fools_prank_01

Setting: Rocefeller highschool

Plot: adam walks behind the school to see katey and a group of girls talking. Katey says that her and adam are not dating and that she doesnt love him.

She says this to protect him from nate and krystal. Adam hears this and become infuriated.

He gets back into his car, speeds off to his house, and grabs his fathers ar-7 and mothers sawedoff, aswell as a blacktrech coat and gasmask.

He returns to school with the mask and coat on, hiding his guns as he walks into the building looking for nate. He finds both krystal and nate in the gym.

He opens the door, catching the attention of everyone as he walks up to nate, who is talking shit the entire time. Adam pulls the ar-7 from his coat and shoots him twice in the face.

He turns to krystal, pulls his shotgun out, and blows her head clean off her shoulders. He continues his way to find katey, killing anyone that tries to stand up to him.

He finds katey in the scinece lab after the school is placed on lockdown and the rcpd is called in.

He walks up to her, pulls his gasmask off, and empty every bullet he has on him in her.

The chapter ends when John Johnson shoots him in the back of the head.

Reason for Cutting: might be mistaken for supporting school shootings, nowhere near april.

Cut idea: April_Fools_Prank_02

Setting: Rockefeller highschool, weathers residents

Plot: adam walks behind the school to see katey and a group of girls talking. Katey says that her and adam are not dating and that she doesnt love him.

She says this to protect him from nate and krystal. Adam hears this and feels betrayed.

He started crying his eyes out, catching Katey's attention. He bolts to his car and speeds off before katey could say anything.

Katey calls john and explains the problem. John calls two nearby cops to intercept adam.

Adam, however, already passed the cops and reached his house. He pulls into the lawn and bolts inside, locking and barracading the door.

The cops try to break in to stop him form doing anything he'll regret, but cant. John and katey arrive

Adam finishes blocking his bedroom door after grabbing his mothers shotgun.

Katey begs and pleads for adam to come out. His only reply is a gunshot and a red splattered window.


Reason for Cutting: Wattpad being on my ass for shit like this since day one, probablity of mistakenly promoting suicide, no where near april

Nate's original design


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Hoped tou enjoyed, cause this took awhile.

Asta la Vista you magnificent bastards, ill see ya next time

Never Forget Me(Suicidal Male read x  Bully Female Furry) +18(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now