Chapter 11: Aftermath

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*POV change, flashback, scene change, etc.*





*3 days later*

*Nate POV*


I was sitting in a cell in the RCPD, trying to make sense of what that officer told me, even though I knew there isn't any.

'...I thought she was just gonna beat the shit out of him, not....that...'

I buried my head in between my knees, quietly crying.

Nate(whispering): "...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy..."

*Elliot POV*

I was at home, trying to make another episode of 'Moments with Heavy', but I couldn't focus.

I just couldn't work with these thoughts in my head. I heard a knock on my door, but I didn't have the energy to open it myself.

Mom: "Elliot. Dinners ready."

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer.

'...I can't belive I slept with that rapist...'

Mom: "Elliot? Are you okay?"

Elliot: "'m not...'

I heard her walk in my room and close the door. She spung me around in my computer chair, making me face her.

 She spung me around in my computer chair, making me face her

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Rose Wyckoff

Age: 32

City Reputation: Local Milf

(No, she doesn't fuck Elliot)

Mom: "You know you can talk to me, right?"

I sighed, knowing it was better to express my feelings then to supress them.

Elliot: "...You remember Y/N, right...?"

Mom: "Yes, what about him?"

Elliot: "...someone....raped him at school..."

She covered her mouth and gasped. She then pulled me into a hug, trying to calm down.

Mom: "I am so sorry..."

Elliot(tearing up): "I couldn't do anything...*sniffle*...and I'm supposed to be his friend..."

Mom(motherly): "'s okay....everything's going to be okay..."

I sat in my chair, hugging mom while crying.

*Sammy POV*

I was in my bedroom playing a public match of Dead by Daylight, trying to block out the moans my mom was making in her bedroom.

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