chapter 18

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Note from Author: Sorry, I know it has been a long time since I updated here. I'll try to update this more frequently ^^;


After everyone had eaten, the three of you were again walking down the road, looking around at the various sights and shops. 

“Hey, Nena, you said that your family lives in this city, right?” you asked, turning to face her, “shouldn't we get you back home?” 

She paused, “ well… actually…” she paused, suddenly grabbing both of your arms, dragging you into an alleyway. 

“H-huh…?” you made a confused noise, but you let yourself get dragged along.

Polnareff glanced over at you, seeming just as confused as you were. 

Finally, she released the two of you, in some back alleyway out of sight of the road. “... I… I’m a girl who can't survive without a reliable partner… please… let me join you.” 

“Huh? Where's this all coming from?” Polnareff asked, glancing over at you. 

“Hey… Nena, you know life isn't just about finding a partner… and the journey we’re on is dangerous…” you said, crossing your arms. “I really think you should go back home…”

She shook her head, “please, let me come with you! I don't want to go back home!” she begged. 

“Nnh… no, I’m sorry, but absolutely not.” you said, shaking your head. “No question, I would not allow something like that to happen.”

Nena suddenly got a bit of a distant look in her eye, starting to tremble, before suddenly puking onto the ground. 

You lept back, your eyes going wide, “N-Nena, are you okay?” you could hear Polnareff make some kind of disgusted noise. 

Suddenly she hunched over, blood spurting from every pore before someone else entirely seemed to burst from Nena’s skin, collapsing to the ground in front of you. 

“W-what the hell…” Polnareff muttered, staring down at the woman. 

“I think I’m gonna be sick…” you muttered, turning away from the gruesome sight. 

“So… That's the Empress’s stand user.”

Your eyes shot over to where the voice came from, finding Joseph leaning against the wall, staring down at the bloody scene. 

Both you and Polnareff quickly moved away from the woman, going over to where Joseph was. 

Joseph must have seen your still shocked expression, because he continued, “This woman… she attached her stand to me in the form of a tumor with a human face, and camouflaged herself as a helpless girl.” He turned to look at you both, “That was pretty careless… she totally played you two.” 

You just stood there, completely shocked by this new turn of events. “S-so… then… Nena wasn't actually a real girl?” you asked shakily. 

“No, it was this woman the whole time.” Joseph said. 

“She totally fooled us... “ Polnareff muttered, shaking his head. 

“Come on, we have to get out of here before the cops show up…” Joseph said, “A lot has happened since we arrived…. The cops are after me now…. I can't go back to the hotel, so we’re just going to have to keep moving. I already called the speedwagon foundation, they have a car waiting for us just out of town.” he said, tilting his hat down and leading the way out of the alleyway. 

    A couple hours later, you had retrieved Jotaro and Kakyoin from the hotel, you all had just approached the car outside of the city. It was already night, darkness enveloping your surroundings. 

“And here I thought we’d finally be able to sleep in a bed.” Kakyoin muttered, letting out a deep sigh. 

“Maybe if the old man hadn't screwed up, and gotten cops chasing him down. ” Jotaro said, closing his eyes.

“Jotaro, that's a little harsh…” you said, shaking your head, to which Jotaro just shrugged. 

“Hey Polnareff,  you’re driving.” Joseph said, tossing Polnareff the keys. 

“Ah, yeah.” Polnareff nodded, catching the keys and moving to get into the front seat.

Jotaro and Joseph climbed into the two back seats, and Kakyoin got in the front seat.  

You stood outside of the car. There… weren't any seats left, and there wasn’t room to sit between Joseph and Jotaro either, they were shoulder to shoulder…” 

You grimaced. “Hey, where exactly..?” If this was how it was, you were going to have to end up sitting on someone's lap… you didn't mind doing it, but it would be uncomfortable for whoever was underneath you...

Jotaro seemed to have come to the same conclusion, tipping his hat down, “good grief…. Here, you can sit on my lap.” he said, holding out a hand to help you into the car. 

“Are you sure? I’m probably heavy..” you said, but you took his hand, climbing into the car and settling down into his lap. 

“You aren’t.” he said, “Just don't move around too much” he said, shutting the door and leaning against it with a sigh. 

You nodded, hunching forward slightly. It would be a little awkward to lean back against him like this…

Actually, more importantly, how were you supposed to sleep like this? Being well rested was pretty important for a mission like this… 

Joseph glanced over, grinning at you, “hey, (y/n), if you want, you could always just come and sit in my lap~” he said, winking, “ you can even lean all over me if you want.”

Jotaro grunted, “They’re fine here, old man” he said, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you back against his chest, your head leaning against his shoulder. 

“Fine, fine… it was just an offer” Joseph said with a laugh, nudging Jotaro. 

    It was actually pretty comfortable laying here against Jotaro. He was warm, and even though his body was full of rock-hard muscle, you really didn't mind it. You scooted yourself a bit  sideways, leaning your head against his shoulder again and closing your eyes. “Jotaro… is this really okay? Are you comfortable?” you asked, your voice soft. You were sleepy. 

Jotaro shivered slightly, “Good grief… I said it was fine.” he muttered, touching the brim of his hat. 

“Mh… okay…” you said, before slowly drifting off.

(Jojo / Jjba X Reader) A 7TH Stand User Joins The PartyWhere stories live. Discover now