Chapter 21

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With the way Polnareff was driving, it didn't take you long to catch up to the other car. 

You were frankly, terrified. While you didn't doubt that one of the other crusaders would save you if you got into another crash… you weren't wearing a seatbelt. 

“Damn it! For a piece of shit car, it goes pretty fast” Polnareff cursed, gritting his teeth. 

Kakyoin pulled out a map, beginning to study it, “...Thats strange” he muttered, before speaking up, “According to the map, we should be running parallel with train tracks here.” he said, brow furrowed. 

“Who the hell cares?!” Growled Polnareff, “We’re gonna catch him in a second.” 

There was a curve in the road, and polnareff grunted, “That bastard! I’m gonna nail him on that curve!”

Something about this still felt off to you, but you braced yourself, grabbing onto the grab handle above the door. 

As Polnareff went around the curve, he made a noise of shock, “Impossible! It's a dead end!” He yanked the wheel, slamming on the brakes, and the car skidded to a halt right at the cliffs edge.

Luckily you had been holding onto that handle, or you would have gone flying. You glanced out of the window, seeing how far the drop was and letting out a shaky breath. There's no way you would have survived a fall that far…

Joseph spoke immediately, “He’s gone! Where did he go?!” 

Right, it was a dead end, but that car was nowhere to be seen!

“He disappeared after the curve?” Polnareff asked, obviously shaken after such a close call.

“And a car couldn't cross that suspension bridge…” added Kakyoin. 

Suddenly, without warning, something rammed into the back of your vehicle with a loud crash. 

You let out a yelp, everyone turning to look behind you, “w-what?!”

The car backed up, and rammed into you again. 

“It's him!” Yelled Joseph, “He’s coming from behind!”

The car rammed into you over and over again, slamming into the back of your vehicle.

“How did it get behind us?” yelled Kakyoin, bracing himself. 

The shock seemed to wear off for Polnareff. He shifted into reverse, slamming his foot down on the gas. You could hear the tires spinning, kicking up dust all around the vehicle. Your vehicle was pushing on the car behind you, but it was no use. Your car was moving closer and closer to the cliffs edge. 

“H-He’s pushing us with immense horsepower!” Polnareff yelled, staring at the vehicle in the side view mirror, “What the hell kind of car is this? A tank?!”

The car was slowly pushed closer and closer to the edge, “ It’s no use! Everyone abandon the car and get out…” Polnareff said in a panic, starting to undo his seatbelt. 

“Polnareff!” Kakyoin yelled, pointing his finger at the man, “What kind of driver gets out of the car before everyone else? Who’s going to hold down the brake pedal?!”

Polnareff froze, looking back over his shoulder with an expression of horror. 

Immediately, the car slipped over the edge of the cliff, free-falling, plummeting towards the ground.  

You clutched at Jotaro, unable to stop the scream that escaped your lungs, but Jotaro slapped a hand over your mouth to keep you silent, “shut up, screaming wont help anything!” he growled. 

You stopped screaming.

“Hierophant Green!” Kakyoin yelled, his stand bursting forth, flying up towards the top of the cliff. 

“Stop! Hierophant isn't strong enough to hold this much weight!” Joseph said in a panic, “It’ll just tear its body apart!”

Kakyoin was scarily calm, “I beg your pardon, Mr. Joestar, but I know myself quite well. I am not a fool.”

Suddenly the car stopped mid-fall, flinging you out of Jotaros lap into Joseph, who caught you, his arm locking around your waist, “whoa, I gotcha-” you heard him say, but you were too disoriented to respond. The car stopped falling..? 

“Hierophant Green flew up, holding the car’s wire winch!” Joseph said, and you could see him grinning, you looked out of the windshield, seeing the cord from your vehicle leading up to where it had been hooked… The other car!

“Not bad, Kakyoin” you heard Jotaro say, “By the way, do you like Sumo?” 

Jotaro’s stand burst forward from his body, flying up and grabbing a hold of the wire. “In particular, deadlocks at the edge of the ring…” He said, and Star Platinum yanked the wire, “It's exciting, isn't it?!” The force of the yank propelled your vehicle up  and over the edge of the cliff. As you flew past the other vehicle, Star Platinum gave it a powerful punch, pushing it over the cliff's edge, the wire disconnecting at the same time. 

The car landed hard on the ground by the cliff, everyone giving a collective noise of pain. You were relatively unharmed though, maybe a little bruised at most… you underestimated how strong Joseph's hold was…

Kakyoin gave a little groan of pain, holding his head, “ gh…. Indeed. I quite enjoy sumo.” he was smiling though as he turned to look at Jotaro over his shoulder, “But Jotaro, in sumo, it's against the rules to punch your opponent.”

Jotaro just smirked in return.

    Once everyone had taken a moment, you got out of the car. You could see smoke rising over the cliff edge. You approached with the others, leaning over a bit to see the car down at the bottom, flames rising from where it had landed. 

“Since I didn't see anything that looked like a Stand attack, I guess it was just some weirdo.” Joseph said, peering down at the mess. 

Was that true though? Well… you guessed there really were some strange people out there who would hold a grudge like that… “I dunno… don't you think this whole thing was kind of weird though? I mean…” you trailed off. 

Polnareff laughed, putting his hand on your shoulder comfortingly, “Yeah, but either way, he can't possibly survive something like that.” he said, “well, I guess he got what he deserved.” 

“Yeah… but how did he get behind us?” you asked, “I mean, when we came around that corner… I don't remember seeing him at all… even Joseph didn't see him, don't you think that’s strange?” you said, crossing your arms. 

Suddenly, a voice came from behind you.

“It's not strange at all!” 

(Jojo / Jjba X Reader) A 7TH Stand User Joins The PartyWhere stories live. Discover now