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"Oh!!!" I hurried to get ready.

Once I had my clothes on and I got ready,

Me and the band hit the road.

It was probably the most annoying car/bus ride EVER.

Ian kept on arguing with josh because he was

Trying to make him jealous, me and mike were talking then we hit

A VERY awkward silence, and I was so tired.


All the fans were freaking out!! This is a once in a

Lifetime chance, so I was too. I was about to play

DARLA TAYLOR at a face the music show.

Holy crap. Oh no!! What if I mess up?? No, I can't do this!!

But josh is just stepping in the jack in the box and..

Ugh. I have to do it, don't I?

I heard the fallout instrumental music playing over and over.

I had to go out there. Josh looked so handsome, in his costume for fallout. I walked on stage.

He started to sing to me. I knew I truly loved him.

Then, the explosions came. We had to start acting. I was standing there,

Just watching josh run from fake explosions with an actor we hired.

The song ended. I walked offstage.


Josh ran offstage. I started freaking out.



Josh looked very happy.

"Oh, never knew..." He replied.

I was very attracted to him. "Kiss me."

We had a pretty long kiss. Again. OMG I KISSED JOSH RAMSAY.

Josh had one more thing to say to me.

"You are coming on for porcelain."

I got so mad once he stepped on stage.


Josh started to sing, as I

Started to dance. I felt confident.

I felt awesome.

Josh was singing and it was amazing.

I wanted to kiss him again, but I remembered

I was in front of 20,000 people.

"You thought by now

You'd have it figured out

You can't erase the way it pulls

When seasons change

It hurts sometimes

To find where you begin

But you are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

I'm right here when

You need someone to see

It's not speak

Or forever hold your peace

It's alright to take time

And find where you've been

You are perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need

Oh, when your heart releases,

You won't fall to pieces

You'll let those old diseases lie

Oh, and your heart releases,

You won't fall to pieces

And your breath comes crashing in

Like perfect porcelain

The slow and simple melody

Of tears you cannot keep from me

It's alright if you don't know what you need."

The concert ended after the band sang

No place like home.

I was so nervous!!

After the concert, we did some meet and greets,

And there was one girl that was so nice and she gave

all of us hugs and gift baskets!! This is what she said to me:

" are you part of the band now?" I looked very concerned.

"No, no. I am just a fan, and a good friend of the band."

"Okay!!" She said as she gave me a hug.

Now we are just having dinner.

Then, a certain someone came in.

"Hi joshie!!!" She said as she sat down.

Josh looked very shocked. "AMANDA??? WHAT ARE YOU


Wait, what? Amanda!!! I knew I couldn't trust josh anymore.

"Josh, we'll talk later." I said as I started to cry.

Josh got so mad at Amanda he called security and they took her away.

He looked worried. "No, Sasha. She wants me and thinks we are together.

I hate her. I know she is cheating on me."

I just really want to yell at josh right now.

"Josh, you were my hero when I was like 13. You still are. But I can't trust you."

Josh looked like he was about to cry. "I really do hate her. She's cheating on me."

Ian budged in on our conversation. "So, Sasha is available? Yay!!"

I cried even more.

Josh got VERY MAD at ian. "NO!!!!" He shouted, as

He punched him in the face. "SHE'S MINE!!!!!" Ian said as they were on the ground, kicking and punching each other.

"Stop!!!! Matt!! Mike!!! Help!!!" I called them.

I can't take this anymore. I've hated them fighting, but physically???? Oh my god.


THAN SEE YOU TWO FIGHT!!!" Ian thought I was josh for a second

Because he couldn't see very well cuz of josh, and threw me out the window.

everything went black.

Haven't Had Enough (MTRENCH FANFIC) book 1Where stories live. Discover now