Road trip

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I really feel bad for Sasha. I mean,

She is heartbroken because she

Came to apologize and everyone

Left. I'm glad that we are going

To find josh though. I miss him.

"Sasha, do you miss josh?"

Sasha laughed. "Are you kidding?

I miss everyone. I made such a big mistake.

I really wish that everyone was here, and

We were all friends."

"We'll, you know what? We will suprise josh

And we will bring you to him. Who knows how sad he is.


"But what if he's happy without me?

What if he likes being single? What

If I don't get to be with the man

I've always loved?" We both had a silent

Moment. "Sasha?" Ian said. "Yes?"

"He will love you. He just thought

You'd never come back."

"I know." I replied. "What's that?" We

Both looked up at the sky. It started hailing,

Raining and snowing. "Ian!! Can you still drive?"

I asked. He screamed. We headed for a ditch.

He stepped on the brakes, and we both grabbed

Each other.

"Are you ok?" I said to ian. "Yes, are you?"

"I am fine," I said. "This is going to be a slight delay."

We both talked for a while, then somehow fell asleep.

I dreamt that I had found josh and he had been looking for me.

It didn't make much sense since he left, but whatever.


I fell asleep with Sasha in the back seat.

I dreamt that josh hated me, and he forgot

About the band. Kinda bad, I would say.

I woke up to find Sasha driving. "How long

Was I asleep?" I asked. "About 5 hours, but I

Let you sleep. We will be at Calgary in 2 hours."

We turned on the radio to hear stutter. Sasha

Started tearing up. "Switch the station." She

Told me.

I did. We started talking about how the fans reacted

When we broke up. "They were sad. They thought josh

Would leave the world in a matter of time." Then,

We talked about Sasha's songwriting career.


"I don't songwrite anymore, but

I sing." I told ian. "But, I haven't

Sung lately."

An hour had passed, and ian slept again.

Nobody was around, so I was speeding.

I needed to see josh. I hit the city of Calgary.

I parked at a restaurant. "Ian, wake up!!"

I said. "Where do we go?" Ian gave me directions to

Matt's house. "Drive down this road, until you hit lights,

Then go right twice. His house is there."

I had reached Matt's place. I knocked and Matt opened.

"SASHA!!" He squealed. "Are you looking for josh?"

"Yes." I replied. "We hoped the you know the way?"

Matt jumped. "Yes!! But take me with you."

Matt was driving to Josh's place, while me and

Ian talked in the back. "So, why do you want

Him back?" Matt asked. "He's my love."


Yay!! The band will get back together!!

In just 45 minutes, josh will be happy again!

"We will hit our destination." Sasha jumped with

Joy in her seat.

In the 45 minutes, we talked about surprising josh.

"So, me and ian will be at the door and you will come out

From behind us and hug him." I told Sasha.

We reached Josh's place. "OMG." I thought.

Me and ian rang the doorbell. "Hi josh!!"

We told him. "Hi." He replied. "We have a suprise."

Me and ian cleared the way for Sasha. She ran into

Josh's arms.

Haven't Had Enough (MTRENCH FANFIC) book 1Where stories live. Discover now