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Hi guys! This is '@Sakura_1227'  but you guys can call me Eclipse as a nickname ^^. This is my first ever story since I'm shy to create one even tho I have ideas. And I miss IZ*ONE a lot. So basically this is an Annyeongz fanfic. The story goes like this:

Wonyoung and Yujin both have a condition that they can't see colors unless they met their soulmate. I know others already have this idea but trust me guys my story is very different from them. Their idea was when your soulmate stare at you, you will see colors. But mine is when your soulmate is there and makes you happy. Example is when you think about your soulmate and felt happiness you will see colors and also when you're with your soulmate you also see colors. See very different. 

I'm not expecting many followers and readers at first but that's fine. I just hope you'll like this story and the following stories in the future. Anyways that's it for my description ^^. 

PS: I'll post the first chap later.

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