Chapter 4: It hurts

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Wonyoung POV

To be honest I'm spacing out a lot lately because I keep on thinking if Yujin unnie is really my soulmate but to be honest it hurts to see her happy with Minju unnie. But if Yujinie is happy with her, then I need to accept that fact right? I keep on thinking those thoughts until...

"Wonyoungie, you're spacing out a lot lately. Mind telling me your problem?" She said while nudging her.

"Nothing unnie, I'm fine trust me" I said with a (sad) smile

"If you say so... but if you need someone to talk to I'm here ok" She said

"Yes unnie I know that" I then go back to reading my book but I'm not reading it but rather thinking again

Well anyways I'm shocked to see Hyewon unnie like that. Does she have a problem or something? Well, I'mma go and talk to her. I know that is dangerous like sheesh but I need to.

At lunch in the library

I was looking for Hyewon unnie since she always goes to the library after she eats her lunch. I finally found her sitting at the corner while reading something. My heart is beating fast since she is so scary to be honest.

"H-hyewon unnie. I-i wanna a-ask if y-you are o-okay" I said nervously

"I'm fine" she answered coldly

I swear that brings chills to my body. She is so scary. More scary than those horror movies out there to be honest.

"Ani. I know you are not ok unnie, come on share your problems to me. I swear you'll regret keeping everything at your heart and keeping that close" I said while sitting beside her

"Well, there is something bothering me these days. Like I can't focus..." She said

"Ohh what is it unnie?" I asked curiously

The Next Day...(Minju POV)

I entered the classroom and opened my locker...and I saw something. A letter from someone.

'Hi. Hope you'll have a nice day today. And to be honest, I think your so beautiful since day one that you don't deserve to be a human but an angel

-From someone who loves you'

To be honest that fluttered my heart. I looked around the classroom to see who it was but I only found Yujin smiling at me. Maybe she was the one who wrote this, well to be sure I'm gonna investigate.

Well today Yujin keeps on acting sweet to me and sometimes so clingy. So she is my suspect number 1 for the letter. Welp I only need to see her handwriting to see if she is my secret admirer.

Later in class...

I saw Yujin's handwriting and its similar to the letter but its only about 78% exact, maybe because she doesn't want to get caught.

"So you are my secret admirer huh?" I mumbled but no one heard

I heard Hyewon also mumble something but I can't understand it, and the last thing I saw was her slamming the book again and going out of the class angrily. And I swear that is very scary...but I wonder why is she acting like that? Is something going on with her family or personal life?

Wonyoung POV

Well after what Hyewon unnie told me a while ago I'm not surprised why she acted like that again. I can somehow relate to her situation but I keep to myself while she is showing how angry she is. I stood up from my chair and followed her to the restroom.

"Unnie, I know why are you like that, but please don't be like that in front of the class" I said while comforting her

"Its just....its hurts Wonyoung" She said while tears fell out of her eyes

I comforted her until she'll feel better

Yujin POV

Sheesh, I swear that the new Hyewon is different. Like unexpectedly slamming her book and going out of the classroom angrily. What is really her problem?! Like she can release her feelings anywhere but not here. Please its scary to be honest.

I then saw Wonyoung and Hyewon entering the classroom again. To be honest, why did she follow Hyewon?! Like she didn't do that before.

"Wonyoungie, what is Hyewon's problem?" I said

"Nothing unnie, and besides I promised to her not to tell anyone." She said while reading her book

Wow, she keeps secrets now huh?! We are best friends right? Why would she keep it to me?! Is there something going on between Hyewon and her? Like she can tell me right?!

'Face it your jealous Yujin'

'Me, jealous? Are you out of your mind author-nim huh?!'

'Just sayin' and its very obvious'

I hissed because to be honest author is so annoying

'Yah I heard that hmph!!!'


'Tsk, so mean'

Anyways I still don't get why Wonyoung keeps it to me. I ignored my thoughts again and talked to Minju again.

While me and Minju were talking, Hyewon stood up in front.

"Everyone" she said coldly

Everyone in the class looked at her

"Sorry if I'm acting strange these days. Just don't mind me and mind your own business. UNDERSTOOD" she said

Eeek I swear that is very scary and I can see everyone nodding and being scared of Hyewon except for Minju and Wonyoung. Well Wonyoung knows about her so maybe she isn't surprised.

"Minju, aren't you scared of Hyewon?" I whispered to her

"Yeah I am before now nope, why would I?" she whispered back

"I wish I can be brave like you" I whispered back

Hyewon suddenly slammed her book again at her desk and left the room. I swear the desk is suffering a lot, that poor desk.

'Wow you care about the desk'

'Yeah why? Any problem?!'

'Nothing sheesh'

'Now go out tsk'

'Fine fine fine'

I saw Wonyoung standing up from her seat and probably following Hyewon again. Like why can't she tell me what's going on so I'm freaking updated?!

First of all I'm sorry if I updated at this time. I hope I can update early but I always wake up late so I'm really sorry. Hope you like this chap ^^.

-Eclipse out

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