Chapter 9: Two Months Later

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A/N: Okay so with this story I have had major writer's block. For real, it has been months since I updated last before I updated most recently. As you can see, it's now been weeks since I have updated. I really have no idea what what I want to happen. So, I'm takinig suggestions. If there's anything you want to happen after this chapter, let me know. And know I am apologizing in advance for the huge time gap. I honestly have no idea what to do. Okay, here's your chapter, enjoy.

Two Months Later- Harry POV

                I saw them everywhere. Always together, being cute, like we used to be. But I was right: Zayn did like Louis. And I guess Louis returned the feelings. It only took a week for them to be seen everywhere, known as the new cute gay couple. Zayn was so good to him, it was obvious. From what I could tell, Louis was good to Zayn, too. Of course, I still wished that could be me with Zayn, getting whispered “I love yous” at the most random times, being happy, feeling wanted. But something with us just hadn’t been working. Zayn was happy now, which was all I had ever really wanted.

                I was currently waiting in my first period class for Liam and Tess, who were my new closest friends. Over the past couple months, I had gotten really close with them. When Zayn and I had broken up, I’d been really lonely. Liam Payne was in my first period class, and he had noticed. Liam and I hadn’t been really close, but we weren’t on bad terms or anything. Liam was a kind boy by nature, so he’d listened to me when I told him about the break up. Somehow with me crying every day to him for a week, we grew close. And he stayed there when Louis and Zayn became open about their relationship and I sort of broke down. But now that I didn’t need his comfort, we still remained close. Tess was his cousin that usually spent most of her time with him. She was also in this class, and since I was with Liam so much now, she was just there. Which was totally fine by me; I adored Tess.

                Liam walked in just as I was sighing and wondering where he was. I smiled at the sight of him. He looked really good today. He was wearing dark jeans and a plaid shirt complete with white Converse, which was a very normal look for Liam. But he wore it so well… For the past week or so, something about Liam had just made my heart skip a beat and my smile grow a little wider. He just made me feel like everything would be okay. I hadn’t really questioned it. I knew what a crush felt like, so I just accepted the fact that I had a small crush on Liam. However, my crush was growing bigger every day. Hey, don’t judge me! If you saw him, you would like him, too.

               Liam smiled as he sat down next to me. “Hey,” he greeted. “Tess is home sick today, so I was thinking we could go see her after school if you’re up for it?”

                “Of course,” I nodded. “It’ll be weird having a day where we don’t see her,” I laughed.

                He agreed, but then said, “Yeah, but it’s nice to have some time with you without her, ya know? We don’t get that very often.”

                I sent him a wink. “Want me all to yourself, Payne?”

                He raised his eyebrows. “Depends, can you make me want you all to myself?”

                I wasn’t too sure where that had come from, so I just played it off as a joke. “Oh, trust me, I definitely can.”

                He laughed, but not before I heard him mumble, “Prove it.”


Louis POV

                I sat in third period waiting anxiously for my boyfriend to walk through the door. He had a doctor’s appointment, so he had missed first and second period, but he’d promised to be here in time for third. I was having withdrawals: I hadn’t seen him since Saturday, and it was now Monday. Usually we spent all weekend together, but Zayn had some family thing on Sunday. It was amazing how quickly I’d grown attached to Zayn, but something about us just clicked. We worked so well together.

                Zayn came in the door, looking out of breath. His eyes searched for me, and he smiled widely when he saw me. He came and took his seat in front of me, but not before he gave me a lingering kiss. I had a small smile on my face when he pulled away, and he had such a genuinely happy smile. I was so happy to be the reason for that smile.

                “Hey, babe,” he said, sitting down.

                I don’t want to keep saying I smiled, but the smile really never left my face. “I missed you,” I informed him.

               He gave out a small chuckle. “I know, I missed you too. Which is why I’m taking you to dinner tonight.”

               I agreed and we talked about the details for a moment before the teacher walked in.

                “As you all know, school gets out on Friday for summer break, and your final for this class is tomorrow, so you have a review to work on today. Please take one and pass it back. You may work with a partner,” she said, passing out the review packet. Zayn handed me mine then turned around so we could work on it.


Niall, Zayn and I were all sitting at the lunch table where we had been sitting since Zayn and I got together and Niall became our newest friend. Niall was the kid who had delivered our pizza to us all that time ago. I’d seen him at school a few days later, and we became friends. Zayn took a quick liking to him as well, so we usually did stuff all together.

                “Oi, I think we should all do something on Friday after school gets out,” Niall said, taking another bite of his pizza.

                “Alright, what do you have in mind?” I asked him.

                He shrugged. “We could go to the beach. It’ll be warm and all, since it’s the middle of June.”

                “Sounds good,” Zayn said, taking charge. “We’ll go right after school gets out. Then we can all go for food or something.”

                Niall eagerly agreed. One thing I had learned very quickly about Niall was the fact that he loved to eat. That’s why he worked at the pizza place, because he could get free pizza and pasta whenever he wanted.

                The bell rang and we all stood up, getting ready to go to our next classes. Zayn gave me a quick peck on the lips, which was just too short for my liking. “I’ll see you after school babe,” he told me before walking off.

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