Chapter 4: Curly Hair

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If he noticed me sitting behind him, he sure didn't show it. I mean, of course he must have seen me. He had to notice who he was sitting in front of. But he hadn't said anything. Not that I really expected him to. What kind of person just says, "You're kind of gorgeous" to someone they just met? Oh yeah, me with my creeper personality.

 I looked at his black hair again. Again, I was being a creeper by doing this. But I was really looking at it for the first time. It was cut shorter. He had it styled so that it came up a little in the front. I liked the way it loomed on him. I liked it quite a bit. I found myself touching my own hair wishing it could look more like his.

 "Mister Tomlinson?" the teacher said to me, causing me to look up at her suddenly. I raised my eyebrows at her. Most of the students turned around to look at me, but this guy here kept his back straight and didn't dare turn around to look at me. "Are you listening to me?" the teacher asked, her voice sharp and accusing.

 Why flatter her? "Nope, I was not. I was sitting here thinking about how this guy in front of me has really nice hair, and being slightly jealous that mine is just bleh."

 A few students' jaws dropped. The teacher's mouth fell open just slightly. I guess they were surprised at my honesty. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Nothing. No reaction. "You will see me after class," I was told. I just shrugged.

 I spent the rest of the period wondering about useless things that I don't care to go into detail about. I did not, however, listen to the teacher. I found her voice just a tad bit annoying. When the bell rang, I stayed in my seat as everyone got up and left. Much to my surprise, he turned around and glared at me.

 "By the way, my name is Zayn. I'm very flattered at this little crush you seemed to have developed on me. But you aren't my type. My boyfriend wouldn't approve of you, anyhow. Just don't make it so obvious, alright? And don't get in trouble."

 "I don't-I'm not-" I stumbled, but he cut me off.

 "Save it." And with that, he walked away, leaving me staring after him in his fake varsity jacket and dark jeans.

 It took me a second to process what he said. I didn't have a "crush" on him. Are you kidding? I didn't even like guys. I liked girls. And did he say he has a boyfriend? So he - Zayn - was gay? Wasn't that a sin? Right? Isn't that what the church people always said?

 It was then that I remembered why I was still sitting in this classroom. I glanced at the teacher. I raised my eyebrows at the same moment she did. Oh, I have to go to your desk? Alright. I stood up and went over to where she was standing.

 "I'm letting you off with a warning, seeing as this is your second day of school. But don't come to class and waste my time, nor yours. You have potential. I looked at your test scores from your other school. You're very intelligent, Louis. Just don't let this happen again. No comment required, just go to your next class."

 I nodded. Her voice wasn't sharp at all. It was caring, almost. I started going to my next class before remembering I had lunch this period. I went to the cafeteria, singing along silently singing along to the song playing. I had always liked this song, even when I was younger. It had meaning.

 I was standing there analyzing the lyrics in line when I heard a voice that sounded like it was directed at me. I yanked out one earphone to hear the end of his sentence. " … you yesterday sitting by yourself."

 "What? Oh, yeah, I ate lunch alone yesterday," I told him.

 The boy smiled a tiny smile. He was taller than me, but only by a couple inches. His hair was longer and wonderfully curly. It was flippes to the side, which somehow fit his face perfectly. His skin was just the right color: not too pale but not too tan. His eyes were green so bright that I immediately wondered if they were contacts. He had dimples, I noticed. His lips were full, but when he smiled they stretched to look thinner. It all made him very handsome, but not to say that in a homo way. "I know," he said, his voice deep and low. "I just said that. Anyway, my name is Harold ,but most people just call me Harry. Actually, please never call me Harold. You can sit with me at lunch today."

 He already had his food and was just waiting for me to get mine. I felt in no place to deny his invitation, so as soon as I had my food, I followed him to a table outside. And, of course, Zayn was sitting there.

 "Louis, right? This is Za-" she began.

 "Yeah, we've met." Zayn and I both said at the same time. Then Zayn narrowed his eyes at me, which I returned.

 "Well alright," Harry said, sitting down next to Zayn. Quite close, I might add. He slipped his hand on Zayn's knee and Zayn leaned into him just slightly as Harry whispered to him, "I told him he could sit with us. Is that okay?"

 He sighed. I kept standing there like an idiot, feeling extremely uncomfortable. "I can go…" I began.

 "No, you can stay," Zayn said.

 I nodded my head once as I set my bag on the ground and sat down opposite of them.

 "Harry is my boyfriend. Remember? I mentioned him in class today? Guess I was wrong about him approving of you."

 Harry raised his eyebrows in a questioning look, and Zayn just shook his head. Harry let it go. "I remember," I said flatly. Neither said anything to me. After a couple minutes, I started getting bored. I picked up my bag and stood up, holding my food.

 I began walking away when I heard Harry's voice calling out. "Wait!"

 "Harold," Zayn groaned. Harry ignored him.

 "Don't go," he told me when I turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry. We're sorry, right, Zayn?" He looked like he genuinely wanted me to stay and eat lunch with them. Zayn on the other hand, looked like he couldn't wait for me to leave. I shook my head. "Please?" Harry said, sounding like a small child.

 I dropped my shoulders in defeat. I promise you, I walked away in my head without looking back. In reality though, I found myself sitting at the table with them.

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