Chapter 7: On The Bright Side

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This is the last chapter I have written up until this point. But I am by no means finished with this story. Yeah, vote/comment/fan! I would love that so much, you don't even know.

I couldn't say anything. By that, I mean I literally could not make my mouth form words. Which was a good thing, since I had no idea how to respond to that. Instead, I just looked away from him.

 "I know you weren't being serious…" he started. Please stop, I begged, I already think I like you. Don't make it worse. He didn't stop. He continued, "But I was. My heart stops when I see you. It misses a beat, my breath catches. I don't know why I'm even telling you this," he said weakly, sounding helpless. "But I think you need to know. Hell, maybe you don't. Maybe you don't even care…" He sounded so vulnerable. I'd never seen him like this. Honestly, I didn't think he could ever be like this. He always came off as strong, never like this.

 "I was being serious. Not about being in love with you, but about my heart stopping. Skipping a beat is probably more accurate, though," I said, barely above a whisper. I wanted to keep going, to tell him more. So I did. "I've never liked a guy. But I think I like you. Yeah, I like you. I like you, Zayn. I don't know what it is, but you fascinate me. I just find myse-"

 "Stop. Stop, Louis. Please. I'm glad you like me, I am. I knew you did. But just stop. It's too soon. I mean, it just happened last night… but I think I like you, too. I think that's what Haz meant. That's what I'm understanding, sitting here, talking to you. He knew I liked you. That I like you, present tense. He saw it before I did…" he paused. He sighed and looked off into the distance. "I just wish he could have realized that I like him. That I love him. More than I could ever even look at you. He's my everything. I could never like you in the way I love him," he said. "No offense," he added, as an afterthought.

 "None taken," I said. But I lied. That stung, even if it was just a little. I took a deep breath. Here I was, thinking maybe he could like me enough to even be friends. But no, of course that wasn't possible. Had I honestly been expecting that, though?

 Zayn looked at me. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," he told me. I guess I had an offended expression. "I honestly didn't mean it in an offensive way. Just… give me time, okay? We'll be friends. We can do that. Do you… Do you wanna be friends?"

 I nodded. "Yeah, let's be friends."

 Friends. I could do that. I could be friends with Zayn. That wouldn't be difficult. I'm sure we could get along. We were doing it well enough now, right? Yeah, all I had to do was not think about him like that. I took a deep breath. Could I do that? Could I not stare at him like he was so gorgeous? Could I think "just a friend" when I saw him? Was that even possible?

 I guess he saw my internal debate, because he leaned over and whispered, "You know, I used to be 'just friends' with Harry." His voice got stronger, "And he was dealing with a break up- with a girl. I didn't think I had a chance. I sort of did, though. I was just his rebound at first. Yes, he did tell me that. Yes, it did hurt. Yes, it was a blow to my pride. But I didn't care. I finally had him. So I treated him like he was everything, because he was my everything. And eventually, I wasn't just a rebound anymore. I actually meant something to him. And finally, I was his everything, too. I had finally gotten what I wanted for a long time, what I had worked so hard to get. And I got to keep that for a long time. And it was great. It was great, Louis. It was great, until it wasn't." Zayn stopped for a moment. Then he continued, "But my point is that you're never in the friend zone permanently. And don't give up hope, especially before the friendship is even established."

 I didn't know what that meant. The story with Harry was cute, though. But it would suck to be a rebound. Whenever he was talking about it, his eyes glowed. I could see the obvious love he had for Harry. It was sucked that Zayn had to lose that, lose his everything.

 On the other hand, what did that mean for me? Was he saying I had a chance, eventually? Was he saying I shouldn't give up?

 I shook my head. What was I thinking? I had only just realized I even liked guys, let alone that Zayn was my guy of choice. And he and Harry just broke up. Why on freaking earth did I think Zayn and I needed to be together? I wasn't even ready for that, not at all. I was not ready to be open, to be completely out. Which is what being with Zayn would call for.

 I pushed the thoughts out of my head. I could think of all my "gay realizations" later. For now, I needed to comfort my new friend.

 I pulled out my phone and checked the time. We had about four minutes left. "Well, we only have a few minutes of lunch left. So I'm gonna give you my number, okay? Call me or text me anytime. I'll be there to talk to or even hang out. Alright?"

 He half laughed at this. "Okay, Lou. Here's my number," and gave me his. I was sort of excited in a school-girl way that I had his number.

 We didn't talk much the rest of lunch. We didn't talk much the rest of the day for that matter. I couldn't get that line out of my head. "Don't give up hope, especially before the friendship is even established." It kept playing over and over. To be honest, it kept me happy all day. Again, to be honest, I didn't understand how or why it kept me happy all day. Zayn hadn't confirmed that meant that. Then again, she hadn't denied it, either. And I think that's what kept my hopes up: that she didn't deny it. That maybe, just maybe, in some parallel universe, I had a chance with Zayn.

 When I was walking home, or rather when I stepped on to the street to begins my walk home, I felt that there was a body next to mine. And again, it was Zayn.

 "Hey, you," he smiled at me.

 "Hey, babe," I replied. Whoa, where had that come from? I didn't take it back though, and Zayn's smile grew wider.

 "I could get used to that. Look," he began, "I know it's last minute, and I know it's Friday night, but let's be honest, you probably don't have any plans, right? And I swear, I'm not acting if you're a rebound, but do you have plans tonight?"

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