Chapter 4: Studying and a fight

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(kinda long Chappie ahead)

Once you got home you had said goodbye to Tanjirou and went to go check on jimmy. Once you got in your room you had seen that jimmy was missing. “jimmy I swear to God if you're on the ceiling fan again!” You yelled, how did he even escape anyways?

As you searched for your fat baby your phone dinged. You took it out of your pocket and checked the number, it was an unknown number. You where about to ignore it untill you read the text.

Unknown: hey Y/N-chan, make it home safe?

Yep it was Douma. You almost forgot you gave him your number. Why did you do that anyway? But no time to think about it you have a wild jimmy to catch. So you put the phone on the island that separates the kitchen and living room and proceeded to rip the house down, not literally though. It kept on dinging as you tried to find your axolotl. It was annoying but eventually you found him.

In the sink.

“How did I not see this big chonker there?” You said as jimmy slid out of the sink and started to scream. You sighed and went over and picked him up, his big black beady eyes stared into your own as he leans forward and booped his nose with yours. You awwed at his cuteness as you went to go sit on one of the four stools you had. jimmy was still in your grip as you petted him. “Aww look at you, so big and chonky!” You said, like if you were speaking to a baby, well that was kinda true.

But your phone kept on dinging, holy hell was that annoying. So you begrudgingly set jimmy down, which he immediately started to chirp a tiny bit, and grabbed your phone. Looking at it,

Unknown: Why are you ignoring me Y/N-chan!?

Unknown: Are you there?

Unknown: I just wanted to talk with you...

BiggieCheese: Dude I was just looking for my pet calm down homie


Why did you put your name as BiggieCheese? No one will know. But after that you had silenced your phone and got up, went to your room and sat on your bed. Well after putting jimmy back in his cage.

Was this actually happening? Or is this just a dream? Well you'll have to figure that out on the next episode of dragon ball z.


You had woken up and stretched out, dang you forgot dinner. Oh well, so you got up and fed jimmy. “Ah it's Tuesday, one day closer to freedom!” You said as you started to get ready for school.


You had gotten off the bus and looked around, you where getting more optimistic about this situation than you expected. Which would probably make this easier. But as your eyes scanned around your eyes suddenly met with bright green. “Hey losers I found them!” You heard Inouske shout at the other two. Which startled them as they ran after Inouske who was running at you. You sighed, this was gonna be fun.

“Wudup Inouske! Tanjirou and Zenitsu!” You said with a smile. “Goodmorning Y/N! Inouske stop!” Tanjirou said as Inouske punched your shoulder. “Seriously he can be such a brute sometimes...” Zenitsu said as you rubbed your shoulder. “Inosuke, don't do that please. It hurts more.” You said as you giggled a bit. But you couldn't shake the feeling of something, what was it? It's kinda been happening a lot for no reason.

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