chapter 5: newbie

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After explaining to Tanjirou what exactly had happened. He understood, Douma wasn't the one for.... Boundaries...

But that whole fiasco had been cleared up you two had headed away from the commotion, as sooner or later a teacher would find out and call the police. You didn't want to get into another situation like that again. “Y/N I have a question.” Tanjirou said as he looked over at you. “Yee?” You said, Tanjirou started to giggle a bit. “What? Are you alright homeskillet?” You said, knowing it made him laugh.  Tanjirou tried to stop himself from laughing but he failed spectacularly. “Alright so what where you gonna tell me bro- homie- crap!” You said trying not to speak how you normally do. You want to hear what he had to say.

He wiped the stray tears from his eyes as he calmed down, he really did enjoy your company.

“So what I was gonna ask is what was your life before moving here?” He said as he looked at you curious of what you did before you guys met. “Im actually from another country.” You said as Tanjirou leaned closer to you. “REALLY! Ehem I mean- really?” He fumbled with his words. He didn't expect this. You laughed as you pointed at him. Confusing him. “I thought it was obvious? My favorite type of movies are crappy rom cons and horror movies!” You said, like you thought it was clear as day! You had an accent for god's sake!

“Oh really? Then we're are you from?” Tanjirou asked as he tilted his head, also for some reason he didn't feel alone...

“Im francé my good dude! ka eesti keel, kuid oskan ainult keelt, But I'm natively french!” You said as you did jazz hands. But Tanjirou looked as confused as ever, you sighed. “Forgot you couldn't understand me. I said that I can also speak Estonian, but I can't really get mad at you as you didn't know. But the more you know I guess!” You shrugged then patted his shoulder. He laughed nervously. He probably should've payed more attention to french class. “Uhmmm, can you- teach me?” He asked lowly, you almost couldn't hear him as he turned away from you.

“Shure, I got nothin better to do. I also have a question, when dose fencing start?” You asked as you dragged him along, “Oh at the end of the day!” He said as he blushed. You were holding his hand after all.

You sighed, it always had to be at the end of the day... But no time to think about that as you guys had classes to get to!


You stretched as your last class had finally ended. Like why did they make this so boring, except for science class. That was pretty fun. So as soon as the bell rang you had gotten up and skedaddled rate out of that door. A hue smile on you face as you now have got tye opportunity to practice your favorite thing other than food. So as you were walking down the hall you had ran into Tanjirou once more. “Oh hey Y/N, going to go as well?” He said as you smiled, he really did love your smile...

“Yeah, would you really think I'd bail out on this? Nope!” You said, he then smiled as he took your hand. “Then let's go! I don't think that Sir Hotaru would let me off the hook this time!” He said as he started to speed walk in the direction that he always go to get to the club.

“So how is everyone like there?” You said as he dragged you down the hallway. Some people giving the both of you some weird looks as they packed up for the day. But you two didn't mind.

“well their, uhh a bizarre group of people?” Tanjirou said as the two of you came to a halt at a old fashioned door. Heh that's a reference. Which looked to be japanese inspired. You looked at him as he approached the sliding door and looked back at you to see your uncertain look.

“Ah don't worry! Their all pretty nice, most of them are...” He said as he opened the door.


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